Pres. Bush and Soviet Pres. Gorbachev issue joint statement on Middle East peace conference in Moscow, indicating U.S. and USSR will sponsor conference in October. Invitations will be issued at least ten days prior to conference. (NYT, WP 8/1)
PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir 'Abd Rabbo states PLO welcomes statement, but that Palestinian decision to attend is awaiting answer to request made of Gorbachev [see 7/25] to guarantee conference leads to Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories, including E. Jerusalem, and leads to Palestinian self-determination. (MEM 8/1)
73rd leaflet issued by Unified National Leadership of the Uprising attacks U.S.-led peace plan, condemns Egyptian Pres. Mubarak's plan for end to Arab League boycott of Israel in return for halt to Israeli settlement building. (MEM 7/31)