U.S. special envoy Ross returns to Washington to consult with Secy. of State Christopher. Israel, PA blame each other for impasse in Hebron talks; reportedly close issue of hot pursuit, but reopen other issues already thought to be finalized. (MM 10/28; IDF Radio, QY 10/28 in WNC 10/30; MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/29; SANA 10/30 in WNC 11/1; WJW 10/31; PR 11/1)
Russian FM Yevgeny Primakov arrives in Syria on 1st leg of regional tour, which is meant to revitalize Moscow's role in the peace process. (CSM 10/29; MM 10/20; JP 11/9)
IDF eases closure on the West Bank, Gaza, allowing transportation of Palestinian merchants, agricultural goods into Israel. IDF also allows Palestinian produce to be sent to Jordan; PA Agriculture Min. lifts ban on Israeli produce (see 10/27). (QY 10/29 in IL 10/29; PR 11/1)
Palestinians, IDF clash in Hussan, West Bank after Jewish settler beats to death a 11-yr.-old Palestinian boy. IDF detains settler, places curfew on the village. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/29; CSM, WP, WT 10/30; MM, PR 11/1; MEI 11/8)