Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv publishers poll shows 86% of Israelis support cabinet's decision to attend peace conference. (MEM 8/9)
PLO Executive Committee supports Palestinians who have been meeting with Secy. of State Baker in Jerusalem, in wake of 8/4 death threat directed against the Palestinians. (MEM 8/9)
U.S. officials including Dan Kurtzer, Aaron Miller, and Edmond Hall meet with Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi to discuss text of U.S.-Palestinian "memorandum of understanding" but fail to reach agreement. Americans met with Israeli officials 8/7 to discuss similar memorandum between U.S., Israel. Palestinians reportedly sought inclusion of demands that peace talks be based on U.N. Security Council resolutions 242, 338, that Israel must withdraw completely from occupied territories, that transition period of Palestinian self-government last for one year only, and that disagreement among peace conference participants be referred to binding international arbitration. (MEM 8/12)
Five-member Arab Maghrib Union, 15 other African countries meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe, issue statement urging PLO inclusion in peace conference. (MEM 8/12)