Tuesday, February 12, 1991

Allied forces battle Iraqi front line troops with air raids, ship-launched missiles, and artillery fire; military officials report about 50 fires burning at locations throughout Kuwait [LAT, NYT, WT, WP 2/13].

2 Iraqi gov't. ministry buildings are hit in bombing raids; senior Baghdad official claims Iraq is being systematically destroyed by allies [NYT, WP 2/13].

Saddam Hussein tells Soviet envoy Primakov that Baghdad is prepared to cooperate with Soviet Union and other "nations or agencies" to find peaceful solution to Gulf war; U.S. response is cautious optimism [MEM 2/12; LAT, NYT, WP, WT 2/13].

Diplomats report that Saudi Arabia is facing short-term financial problems after spending billions of dollars bankrolling Gulf war effort; officials say Saudis have contributed about $48 billion in military and economic assistance to allies since 2 August [MEM 2/12; LAT, NYT, WP 2/13].