Sunday, July 15, 1990

Pres. Asad says he is ready to move forward on "a serious initiative toward peace," but that both he and Pres. Mubarak are waiting for Israel and Washington to take first step [WP, LAT, WT, MEM 7/16].

Arab League opens "foreign ministers" meeting in Tunis (but only 3 F.M.s, from Tunisia, Algeria, and Iraq, attend; others are ambassadors); PLO rep. warns that U.S. has given Israel "the green light" to crack down on Palestinians in O.T. [AFP 7/15 in FBIS 7/17]; at meeting, Yasir Arafat rejects renewed U.S. demands that PLO discipline Abul Abbas before restarting U.S.-PLO dialogue; Arafat accuses U.S. of "supporting Israel without limit" (cf. 7/19, 7/23) [WP, WT, MEM 7/16].

B'Tselem issues report "Firing by the Security Forces in the Territories," which states a "considerable percentage" of shooting deaths and injuries occur because IDF soldiers open fire in violation of army regulations. IDF categorically rejects report [JPD 7/16 in FBIS 7/17; MEM 7/17].

Israeli committee dealing with immigrant absorption takes measures granting, as of 8/1, immigrants the use of police and army barracks, hotels and youth hostels, and boarding and recreational homes as temporary residences [SOR 7/ 17 in FBIS 7/18; MEM 7/17].