Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports of Defense and Foreign Relations Subcom. and Rotenstreich-Tsur commission argue government decision-making processes were faulty in handling of Pollard spy case, criticize P.M. Shamir, F.M. Peres, Defense Minister Rabin, and former Defense Minister Moshe Arens; do not recommend any action [BG, NYT 5/27]. Israeli troops use live ammunition to disperse crowd gathered in Nablus streets to celebratend of Ramadan; 1 Palestinian is killed [FJ 5/31]. Newly elected board members of 2 Gaza trade unions are ordered to suspend activities and cancel results of recent elections [FJ 5/31]. Lydda municipal workers destroy 9 Arab houses, charging the homes were uninhabitable [FJ 5/31]. Burned body of Jibril Ibrahim Husayn al-Darawish, former employee of United Nations Truce Supervision Organization headquarters inJerusalem, is found in Hebron [FJ 5/31]. During press conference in Amman, recently deported student leader Marwan Barghuthi condemns Israeli policy of expulsion [FJ 5/31]. Fadwa al-Labadi, grade school teacher from Abu Dis, is fired on security charges [FJ 6/14].
Arab World: Egypt's Revolution, group opposed to Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, claims responsibility for attack on U.S. officials in Cairo [PI 5/27].