Occupied Palestine/Israel: Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Moshe Levy, apologizes to UN and Ireland for killing an Irish UNIFIL soldier [CSM 1/15]. Al-Najah University is ordered closed for a second week [FJ 1/16]. Birzeit University lecturer Salih 'Abd al-Jawwad, held on charges of inciting a student demonstration on 12/4, is released after 39 days in prison [FJ 1/16].
Arab World: PLO Chairman Arafat arrives in Algiers where he is expected to participate in unity talks with other PLO factions [FJ 1/16].
Other Countries: In item based on leaked information from draft of Senate Select Com. on Intelligence report, the Washington Post reveals that Amiram Nir, aide to then P.M. Peres, first suggested sending funds from Iranian arms deals to Nicaraguan contras and that Israelater shipped Soviet-made arms to the contras. Report contradicts the official Israeli version of events surrounding the affair [WP 1/11].
Military Action
Arab World: Three Israeli helicopters fire on 4 Shi'i villages [FJ 1/16].