Monday, December 20, 1982

Military Action:

Rocket, mortar and artillery battles in 11 Chouf villages; armed clashes continue in Tripoli.


Lebanese merchants in Aley and Bhamdoun strike to protest renewed fighting; 20 killed, 4 injured in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Commission of Inquiry recalls Sharon to submit to cross-examination; Sharon tells Knesset committee Israel is opposed to stationing any international forces in proposed security zone in South Lebanon; senior Israeli officials outline proposed Lebanon security zone, where it would set up monitoring posts manned by Israelis; ban all but small arms, carry out surveillance overflights; curfews briefly lifted, then reimposed on Nablus market and Balata camp; West Bank Palestinians upset at Christmas pilgrimages of Maronite Christians to Holy Places.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel meets with envoys of US, France and Italy to brief them on deteriorating situation in Chouf and Tripoli; Gemayel rejects Israeli demands for security zone as gross infringements on national sovereignty.

Arab Governments: King Hussein meets with Shultz in Washington.

US and Other Countries: Weinberger says US may send more troops once progress on pull-out is shown; Habib stops in France for talks with foreign ministry; British announce willingness to join multinational peacekeeping force in Beirut, will send armored unit with 80 men for three months.