Military Action:
Syria reportedly receiving up to 1,000 Soviet military personnel to help operate new SA-5 missiles.
Preliminary Lebanese government study records 9,888 Beirut housing units damaged or destroyed, total losses estimated at $700 million; UNRWA reports 15 bodies found near Ain el-Hilweh in past two weeks; WAFA reports that the bodies were found in a mass grave and that the victims had recently been held at Ansar camp; Lebanese police say at least 8 Palestinian men have been abducted from their homes and murdered in Sidon, and a further four kidnapped and wounded PFLP General Command invites relatives of two IDF prisoners it holds to visit them; Prime Minister Wazzan asks Habib for US/Israeli intervention on behalf of Palestinians subjected to intimidation by Lebanese militiamen; 21 children injured during war are to be flown to US for treatment this month.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Labor Party leader Shimon Peres says he is willing to meet with Begin to discuss how to keep the peace between opposing political and social factions; President Navon says Israel is on the brink of an abyss; thousands march in Tel Aviv in support of Commission of Inquiry recommendations, negotiations with Palestinians.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee continues meetings in Algiers to draft resolutions for PNC meeting; relations between Israel and Phalangists deteriorating.
US and Other Countries: US officials reportedly consider replacement of Sharon by Ambassador to US Moshe Arens will have positive effect on negotiations for IDF withdrawal from Lebanon.