Reps. of 13 West Bank Palestinian refugee camps reject the PA's order to surrender illegal weapons. The PA has reportedly arrested at least 17 residents of Balata camp for refusing to turn in their arms. (NYT 9/29; JP 10/8)
In Amman, Fatah, PFLP hold mtg. to discuss final status negotiations, democratic reform of the PLO. They do not reach an agmt. on participation in talks with Israel, but issue final statement urging all PLO factions to take part in an upcoming PLO Central Council session to discuss organizational matters, and "coming political challenges." (DUS, JT 9/29 in WNC 9/30; AYM 10/4 in WNC 10/8; AYM 10/28 in WNC 11/2) (see 9/23)
PA police in Ramallah, Gaza arrest 4 Palestinian journalists for writing stories "harmful to the PA." (AFP 9/29 in WNC 9/30; LAW 9/30; JP 10/8)
Jordanian police detain fmr. MP `Abd al-Munim Abu Zant, a Muslim Brotherhood mbr., for questioning regarding a Friday sermon and 2 articles in al-Arab al-Yam in which he condemned the government crackdown on Hamas. He is the 2d fmr. parliamentarian in a wk. to be arrested for a pro-Hamas sermon. (MM 9/30; MEI 10/15) (see 9/28)
In Los Angeles, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) settles out of court a class-action lawsuit filed by the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and a coalition of 800 individuals and groups accusing the Jewish organization of illegally obtaining information on them. The ADL agrees to turn over information collected by questionable means, including criminal arrest records, mug shots, Social Security and license plate numbers, and to pay the plaintiffs' legal fees. (WJW 9/30)