Saturday, September 13, 1997

Secy. of State Albright stops briefly in Egypt to meet with Pres. Mubarak before heading to Saudi Arabia for talks with King Fahd, urges both countries to participate in the 11/97 Doha economic summit. (MENA 9/13, RE 9/15 in WNC 9/16; NYT, WP, WT 9/14; al-Thawra 9/14 in WNC 9/17; MM 9/15; WP 9/18; MEI 9/26)

Israel's urban planning commission approves plans by American Jewish developer Irving Moskowitz to build 70 housing units for Jews in the Palestinian neighborhood of Ras al-Amud in East Jerusalem. Under heavy police protection, 50 Jewish settlers (3 families, plus armed guards) fr. the radical group Ateret Cohanim move into 2 buildings, which purportedly were purchased by Moskowitz fr. local Palestinians. Israeli police say the occupation is legal. Netanyau condemns the action but says little can be done to reverse it. (RL 9/13, ITV 9/14, IDF Radio 9/15 in WNC 9/16; LAW 9/14; WP 9/15; WT 9/16; CSM 9/17; WJW 9/18; PR 9/19; MEI, PR 9/26)