Intending, in his words, to kill "Israel-haters" and prevent a Hebron deal, off-duty IDF soldier Noam Friedman opens fire on Palestinians in Hebron marketplace, wounding 7, precipitating clashes btwn. settlers, Palestinians. IDF injures 9 Palestinians in trying to break up protests, places curfew on the city. Planned mtg. btwn. Netanyahu, Arafat is postponed, but negotiations resume at home of U.S. Amb. to Israel Martin Indyk. Pres. Clinton phones Arafat, encourages him to conclude an agmt. before the situation in Hebron worsens. (IDF Radio, JTV, RE, RJ 1/1, MA, al-Ra'i 1/2 in WNC 1/3; IDF Radio 1/1 in WNC 1/6; MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/2; CSM, PR 1/3; WJW 1/9; MEI 1/10; JP 1/11; ITV 1/13 in WNC 1/15)
The Jerusalem-based Palestinian newspaper al-Nahar publishes its last issue, closes for financial reasons. (WT 1/2; PR 1/10)