IDF bans Palestinians fr. traveling btwn. West Bank cities, villages; warns it will reenter Palestinian cities (zone A) to disarm PA security forces if the forces fire on IDF again. Tanks remain outside zone A areas. More IDF checkpoints are set up along West Bank roads. PA-Israeli joint patrols resume in Gaza. In Jerusalem, the archaeological tunnel is reopened (see 9/27), leading to some stone-throwing incidents. 4 wounded Palestinians have died in the past 2 days, raising the death toll since 9/25 to 70. (IDF Radio, ITV 9/29 in WNC 10/1; NYT, WP, WT 9/30; NYT 10/1; MEI, PR 10/4; JP 10/5)
Arafat, Netanyahu agree to meet in Washington 10/1-2 to discuss recent violence, peace process. Jordan's King Hussein accepts invitation to attend; Egypt's Pres. Mubarak declines, sends FM `Amr Musa to observe. (IDF Radio, MBC, RMC 9/29, IGPO 9/30 in WNC 10/1; RE 9/29 in WNC 10/2; JTV 9/29 in WNC 10/3; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 9/30; MEI 10/4)