Saturday, August 26, 1995
Arab League says it strongly opposes Israeli efforts to resettle Palestinian refugees in host countries, attempts to transfer functions of the UNRWA to th PA so as to distance the UN from the refugee problem. (RE 8/26 in FBIS 8/29)
In 1st military court trial in Jericho, PA convicts pair arrested 8/24 of "carrying out activities which harm general security . . . and the peace process"; gives Dudin 12 yrs, Khatib 7 yrs. (QY, VOP 8/26 in FBIS 8/28; NYT, WT 8/27)
As the IDF, Hizballah continue to exchange artillery fire, Lebanese Speaker Nabih Birri calls on U.S. to pressure Israeli to stop attacks on s. Lebanon. (RL, SARR 8/26 in FBIS 8/28) (see 8/24)