Hamas extends deadline for release of 200-300 prisoners by 24 hrs. Within 1 hr., based on information from Arafat, IDF raids West Bank house where IDF soldier is being held. Kidnapped soldier, 1 other soldier killed, 12 wounded by kidnappers; 3 Hamas mbrs. killed, 2 arrested. Location of soldier in Israeli o.t. embarrasses PM Rabin, who swore he was in PNA controlled Gaza. Rabin vows to resume talks with PNA as soon as possible. (ITV, QY 10/14 in FBIS 10/17; NYT, WP, WT 10/15; CSM, MM 10/17; JP 10/22)
U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, PLO Chmn. Arafat hold talks in Cairo; discuss aid transfers, Hamas, other obstacles to peace. (MENA, RE 10/13 in FBIS 10/14, MM 10/14)
Multilateral arms control seminar on threat assessment closes in Paris. Positions presented, no draft document signed, but gaps btwn. parties "narrow significantly." Teams leave for Germany to attend military maneuvers. (Davar 10/14 in FBIS 10/17)
Israel gives PNA power to collect customs tariffs, conduct searches at Allenby Bridge. (VOP 10/14 in FBIS 1021)
PFLP's George Habbash, DFLP's Hawatmeh announce they want to unify the 2 groups into 1, inc. administration, finance, military, intelligence. (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 10/14 in FBIS 10/18)