PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs. meet with Jordanian PM Sharif Bin-Shakir, request (and receive) explanations of 2 points on the tentatively agreed Israeli-Jordaniangenda for talks-whether or not East Jerusalem is included in the term "occupied territories" (it is), and how UN resolutions, the Palestinian right of return, and refugees in other countries factor into a solution of "the bilateral aspects of the refugee problem" (they will). PLO emerges "comfortable" with the agenda. (MM 11/2; RMC 11/2 in FBIS 11/4)
PM Rabin tells cabinet that the term "withdrawal" inlatest proposal to Syria applies to IDF forces, not to settlements on the Golan Heights, and that distinction has been made clear to Syria. (ITV 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)
Israel announces that Israeli and Jordanian negotiators have agreed to place the water issue at the top of the agenda when the talks reconvene 11/9. (Qol Yisra'el 11/1 in FBIS 11/6)
Head of Israeli delegation to talks with Lebanon, Uri Lubrani, announces that in the latest round Israel offered Lebanon an increased civilian govt. presence in the "security zone," and proposed bilateral talks between military officers. Lebanon has not accepted nor rejected either proposal. (Qol Yisra'el 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)
Itamar Rabinovich, head of the Israeli negotiating team with Syria, is appointed ambassador to the U.S., to take over in the coming months. (Yedi'ot Aharonot 11/1 in FBIS 11/3; NYT 11/2)
Israel shells eastern edges of "security zone," injuring 5 Lebanese civilians. (VOL 11/1 in FBIS 11/3)
Al-Hayat reports that Russia will sell Syria 36 fighter aircraft, 300 T-72 and T-74 tanks, and some Sa-10 and Sa-16 missile batteries (equivalents of the U.S. Patriot anti-missile system) as part of a 1991 $2 billion weapons accord. (WT 11/3)