305 Results
  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    Since taking office in 6/2014, Egyptian pres. al-Sisi has supported Palestinian efforts in international fora, but remained largely removed from the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    The Palestinian community’s fate in the ongoing conflict in Syria appeared increasingly precarious this quarter. While humanitarian conditions in Yarmouk r.c. outside Damascus remained dire, renewed fighting nr.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    Seven mos. after resuming in 11/2015 (see JPS 45 [3]), the Israeli-Turkish reconciliation process culminated in a formal agreement this quarter.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    Along with the apparently growing sectarian rift in the region in recent years, the Israeli govt. under PM Netanyahu has attempted to strengthen ties with the Saudi-led so-called Sunni axis as a counterweight to Shi‘adominated Iran.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    Iran was largely uninvolved in the IsraeliPalestinian sphere this quarter. After an Islamic Jihad delegation’s visit to Tehran in 4/2016, Asharq Al Awsat reported (5/25) that Iran intended to resume supporting the group and end 2 years of strained relations.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    Continued Tension with Israel

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    The Israeli govt. launched a major diplomatic offensive in Africa this quarter that contrasted starkly with its relative isolation in the international community.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    The Middle East Quartet published its long-awaited report on obstacles to the 2-state solution and recommendations for restarting peace negotiations this quarter.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    The Palestinian leadership embarked on a new effort this quarter to achieve justice in the international legal system.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    Leading up to the 40th session of the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s World Heritage Comm. in Istanbul on 7/10–20, the Palestinians and Jordanians put forward a res.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    Scandals erupted in the realm of international aid this quarter. In 6/2016, Israeli forces had arrested Mohammad El Halabi, the Gaza director of the Christian charity World Vision.

  • May 16, 2016August 15, 2016

    Two major organizations lent their support to the BDS movement this quarter. On 8/1, the Black Lives Matter movement, a coalition of over 50 antiracism activist groups across the U.S., published its 1st-ever platform of policy positions, including several on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    The phase of violence that began in Jerusalem in 9/2015 continues to dissipate while the Israeli govt. further expands and extends its crackdown on the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt), as well as on the Palestinian minority in Israel and left-wing Israeli activists.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    With most diplomatic initiatives stalled, the Palestinian habba (surge or revolt in English) continued to dominate international and local media.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    There were a few noteworthy UN-related developments this quarter. On 3/24, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) approved, 32–0, with 15 abstentions, a res.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    In the lead-up to local elections across the UK on 5/5, the Labour Party came under renewed accusations of anti-Semitism after the schism within Labour between the old guard and the new progressive wing over new Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s break with the party’s traditional pro-Israel positions

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    After mos. of uncertainty, secret negotiations, and public hand-wringing over the Israeli govt.’s nomination of former settler leader Dani Dayan as amb. to Brazil (see JPS 45 [2, 3]), the Israeli govt. relented this quarter. The Brazilian govt.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    As the quarter opened, Pres. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s govt. supported the PA’s diplomatic initiatives within international institutions, but its relations with both Israel and Hamas remained strained.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    After increasing media reports of such transactions, on 3/15, the Jordanian parliament passed a law barring the sale or lease of land to Israeli citizens in and around the ancient city of Petra.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    Although UNRWA aid personnel were allowed into certain areas of Damascus at the end of last quarter (see JPS 45 [3]), and a U.S.- Russia–brokered cease-fire went into effect on 2/27, conditions for the Palestinian community in Syria did not improve this quarte

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    The growing regional rift between the Saudi-led Sunni axis, on the one hand, and Iran and its allies, on the other, put the Palestinians in an increasingly precarious position this quarter, placing a strain on their relationship with Tehran.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    Turkish-Israeli reconciliation talks, resumed in 11/2015 after over 6 mos. of interruption (see JPS 45 [3]), stalled again this quarter.

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2016

    For the first time since 9/30/2015, the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC), the chief policylevel coordination mechanism for development assistance to the Palestinians, held a working meeting in Brussels on 4/19, chaired by Norwegian FM Børge Brende and presided over by European Union foreign policy

  • February 16, 2016May 15, 2017

    Continued Tension with Israel

  • August 16, 2015November 15, 2015

    In ‘Ayn al-Hilwa r.c., a brief outbreak of violence between Islamist groups and Fatah’s security forces aggravated tensions in the overcrowded locality.

  • May 16, 2015August 15, 2015

    Labeling Israeli Settlement Produce

  • May 16, 2015August 15, 2015

    UN Reports of Possible War Crimes

  • February 16, 2015May 15, 2015

    Like the U.S., the EU this quarter was largely focused on talks with Iran over its nuclear power program.

  • February 16, 2015May 15, 2015

    Other than being the chosen arena for the Palestinians’ pursuit of recognition and justice, the UN remained relatively uninvolved in Israeli and Palestinian issues this quarter. There were a few developments of note, however.

  • November 16, 2014February 15, 2014

    Continued impatience with the absence of progress on a negotiated resolution of the conflict as well as frustration over Israel’s ongoing settlement construction were reflected in a number of European measures in support of Palestinians’ unilateral actions this quarter.

  • November 16, 2014February 15, 2015

    As OPE was still under way in the summer of 2014, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) commissioned an inquiry into alleged war crimes committed in Gaza but Israel had denied the commission entry (11/12) on the grounds of anti-Israeli “bias.” Tel Aviv’s efforts to undermine and discredit the commi

  • August 16, 2014November 15, 2014

    Having offered Israel arguably critical support during OPE, there was frustration in Brussels as Israeli settlement construction announcements unfolded thick and fast on the heels of the 50- day war.

  • August 16, 2014November 15, 2014

    As the quarter opened, UN Secy.-Gen.

  • May 16, 2014August 15, 2014

    There was no significant new EU initiative with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict this quarter and official reactions to events on the ground consisted of statements rather than any involvement of substance.

  • May 16, 2014August 15, 2014

    One UN official in particular was active and vocal in the lead-up to Israel’s assault on Gaza. In early 6/2014, Robert Serry, the UN’s special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, joined other international leaders in welcoming the PA unity govt.