38 / 15500 Results
  • January 18, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF N. Command Cmdr. Orr predicts commandos will attempt return to S. Lebanon after IDF withdrawal [JP 1/20].

    Other Countries:...

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  • January 16, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inmates at Jnaid prison (Nablus) demonstrate against attempted housing of 26 alleged Muslim Brotherhood prisoners; IDF, Border Police,...

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  • January 15, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of Israelis from poor Tel Aviv neighborhoods demonstrate outside Knesset protesting 1/10 decision to build new settlements...

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  • January 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF approve application [submitted 1/81] for new hospital in Hebron [FJ 2/15].

    Arab World: Several Golan Druze leaders give up...

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  • January 5, 1985


    Arab World: Pres. Mubarak meets King Hussein in Aqaba, discusses Palestinian issues [WP 1/6]. Pres. Assad denounces Arafat, Hussein before Baath Party congress in...

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  • January 4, 1985

    Military Action

    Arab World: Katyusha fired at IDF position, Zahrani, S. Lebanon; no casualties reported [FJ 1/11].

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  • January 3, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Supreme Court sentence settler Noam Yinon to 28 mos. term for transporting stolen IDF mines to anti-Arab underground group [WP 1/4]. DM...

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  • January 2, 1985

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: WAFA reports Katyushas hit Metulla, Kiryat Shemona [JP 1/3, FBIS 1/3, FJ 1/4].

    Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb explodes as IDF...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF N. Command Cmdr. Orr predicts commandos will attempt return to S. Lebanon after IDF withdrawal [JP 1/20].

Other Countries: New York jury declares Time magazine article on Ariel Sharon (11/12) false; still debates 3rd point [NYT 1/19].

Military Action

Arab World: In in S. Lebanon 3 IDF troops wounded in bomb explosion near Jwaiyeh. Katyusha fired on IDF position near jib Jinnine. IDF patrol attacked with RPGs as it passes over Qasimiya Bridge. RPGs destroy IDF jeep on coastal road south of Zahrani River. SLA soldier wounded by gunshots near Nabatiya [FJ 1/25]. Near Qlai'ah (3 km. N. of Metulla), IDF discover 2 Katyusha rockets, launchers [JP 1/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inmates at Jnaid prison (Nablus) demonstrate against attempted housing of 26 alleged Muslim Brotherhood prisoners; IDF, Border Police, prison guards use tear gas to suppress inmates [JP 1/17, FJ 1/18]. Over 2,000 E. Jerusalem merchants return their municipal tax bills to protest 670% increase in taxes [FJ 1/18].

Other Countries: White House spokesman Sims confirms US, USSR agree in principle to meet together on Middle East [see 1/13] sometime in the future [WP 1/17]. New York jury in Sharon libel case (11/12) determines that Time magazine defamed Sharon in 1982 article on Sabra-Shatila; must yet decide on 2 other points [NYT 1/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Katyusha fired from Jordan lands in Jordan Valley; no injuries or damage. DM Rabin warns Jordan to stop such attacks or else Israel will [JP 1/17].

Arab World: Gasoline bomb thrown at Israeli television team, IDF escort in Sidon, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 1/17]. S. Lebanon Civil Guard member wounded by gunfire in Nabatiya [JP 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of Israelis from poor Tel Aviv neighborhoods demonstrate outside Knesset protesting 1/10 decision to build new settlements while failing to assist urban poor [MEI 1/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Katyusha fired into N. Israel from Jordan; no damage or injuries [LAT 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF approve application [submitted 1/81] for new hospital in Hebron [FJ 2/15].

Arab World: Several Golan Druze leaders give up Israeli citizenship to avoid social and religious ban in community [JP 1/6]. PLO Exec. Com. member 'Abd al-Rahim Ahmad meets with Jordanian officials to discuss possible common front for peace talks [TS 1/8].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF reports following activity in S. Lebanon: 2 Katyushas fired at IDF post near Lake Karoun, 1 near Nabatiya; no injuries. SLA soldier wounded near Sohmor. SLA roadblock fired on near Tyre; none injured. Explosives found near patrol routes in Lake Karoun vicinity; similar devices located in Sidon [JP 1/6].


Arab World: Pres. Mubarak meets King Hussein in Aqaba, discusses Palestinian issues [WP 1/6]. Pres. Assad denounces Arafat, Hussein before Baath Party congress in Damascus; states Syria will lead "the Palestinian struggle henceforth" [WP 1/6, JP 1/6]. PLO issues statement in Aden condemning Sudanese cooperation with Israel in airlifting Ethiopian Jews from Sudanese refugee camps into Israel [FJ 1/11].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF kill Syrian soldier who crossed Golan Hts. cease fire line, and fired upon IDF vehicle; IDF state Syrian may have been deranged [JP 1/6]. 2 Katyushas fired at IDF positions, S. Lebanon; locations not reported [FJ 1/1].

Military Action

Arab World: Katyusha fired at IDF position, Zahrani, S. Lebanon; no casualties reported [FJ 1/11].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Supreme Court sentence settler Noam Yinon to 28 mos. term for transporting stolen IDF mines to anti-Arab underground group [WP 1/4]. DM Rabin concurs with Gen. Orr's 12/30 statement that Katyusha attacks on N. Israel possible; notes 14 such attempts since 6/82 [JP 1/4].

Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets with King Hussein in Amman [NYT 1/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Border Police near Bethlehem U. fire at group of young people who allegedly failed to stop at roadblock; one injured [JP 1/4].

Arab World: SLA officer killed, 2nd soldier wounded, in gun battle near Burj Rahhal, S. Lebanon. IDF convoy fired upon near Ansariya, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 1/4]

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: WAFA reports Katyushas hit Metulla, Kiryat Shemona [JP 1/3, FBIS 1/3, FJ 1/4].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb explodes as IDF patrol passes near Kafr Shabriha; 4 injured. IDF armored patrol hits mine near Lala; 1 wounded. Bomb explodes near IDF convoy in Sarafand area; no injuries [JP 1/3].