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  • March 26, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin threatens "scorched earth" policy in S. Lebanon if Shi'ite military actions continue [JP 3/27]. In Jerusalem, Arab Lawyers...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin threatens "scorched earth" policy in S. Lebanon if Shi'ite military actions continue [JP 3/27]. In Jerusalem, Arab Lawyers Union calls on members to create delays in W. Bank military courts by refusing to enter guilty pleas, refusing to accept prisoner testimonies until determining admissibility of confessions; aim is to protest recent heavy sentences imposed by IDF courts [FJ 3/29]. Jewish underground defendant Dan Be'eri indicatesettler leader Rabbi Moshe Levinger was present at meeting to discuss blowing up the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem [FJ 3/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disperse student demonstrators at Hittin school, Jenin, with tear gas after students allegedly threw stones; 2 arrested [JP 3/27].

Arab World: SLA, IDF raid Jabaa, 'Ain Buswar; unreported number arrested. Bombs explode near IDF vehicles near Deir Qanun al-Nahr, Jwaiyeh; no casualties [JP 3/27].