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  • December 17, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: UNRWA Commissioner General Giorgio Giacomelli expresses concern to Israeli defense and foreign ministry officials over Israel's "rather...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: UNRWA Commissioner General Giorgio Giacomelli expresses concern to Israeli defense and foreign ministry officials over Israel's "rather heavy-handed reaction" to protesting Palestinians. Palestinian wounded by gunfire 12/16 after stabbing Israeli soldier in Rafah dies. Gen. Yitzhaq Mordechai, commander of southern military district, orders arrest of Shin Bet officer who fired on protesters 12/16 [LAT 12/18]. Shops in Arab E. Jerusalem remain closed to protest Ariel Sharon's move into a Muslim quarter apartment [NYT 12/18]. Curfew on Jabalya refugee camp is lifted [FJ 12/20]. Israeli settler who shot, killed Gaza student 11/10 is released on bail [FJ 12/20]. Soldiers seal 4 Ramallah stores participating in general strike [FJ 12/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Scattered demonstrations are reported in W. Bank and E. Jerusalem [NYT 12/18; FJ 12/20]. Israeli troops use tear gas to disperse large demonstration related to 12/11 clash at Balatah. Balatah and Rafah are ordered under curfew [LAT 12/18].

Arab World: Israeli and SLA troops kill 6 Lebanese National Resistance Front fighters in battle near S. Lebanon security zone [NYT 12/18].