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  • August 30, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesperson says army has drawn up long-term plan that assumes Israel will still occupy the W. Bank and Gaza in the year 2000 [WP 8...

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  • August 25, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Laflets distributed in E. Jerusalem announce birth of Hizballah in Palestine, declare jihad against Israel and U.S. [FBIS 8/28].


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  • August 20, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv newspaper Davar reports Moshe Arens recently held meetings with prominent Palestinian leaders from the O.T. [FBIS 8/22...

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  • August 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: From now on, Gazans working in Israel must present Israeli-issued ID cards in order to pass into Israel [LAT 8/19; CSM 9/6].


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Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF spokesperson says army has drawn up long-term plan that assumes Israel will still occupy the W. Bank and Gaza in the year 2000 [WP 8/31; MET 9/12]. Israeli defense source says over the past 3 weeks IDF and Shin Bet have rounded up some 170 W. Bank Palestinians who "make up the backbone of the hard core leadership of the intifada in the W. Bank" [FBIS 9/1].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo for talks with President Hosni Mubarak and senior Egyptian officials [FBIS 8/30].

Other Countries: UN Security Council adopts resolution "deploring" Israel's deportation of Palestinians, and calls on Israel to respect the Geneva Convention in the O.T. [WP 8/31]. The resolution passes with 14 of 15 Security Council members voting for it; the U.S. abstains [FBIS 9/1; MET 9/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two Israeli soldiers are wounded by stones in Khan Yunis. Classes for 10th and 11th grade students resume in the W. Bank. Curfew in Bayt Sahur is lifted, curfew is imposed on Dayr al-Balah. IDF Radio reports that the departure of workers for jobs in Israel is sporadic [FBIS 8/30]. Army reports 3 Katyusha rockets fired into the Galilee panhandle causing slight damage but no injuries, claims Hizballah is responsible [FBIS 8/311.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Laflets distributed in E. Jerusalem announce birth of Hizballah in Palestine, declare jihad against Israel and U.S. [FBIS 8/28].

Arab World: In Aden for visit, Arafat says latest round of U.S.-PLO talks did not go as they should have, blames U.S. intransigence [FBIS 8/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 46-year-old Israeli is found in a W. Bank village after reportedly being kidnapped on 8/24 by masked Palestinians [FBIS 8/25; NYT 8/26; MET 9/5]. Israeli figures say 13 Palestinians have been killed in the O.T. in the past eight days; that the violence has increased because Palestinian leaders have vowed to step up the intifada [WP 8/26]. Acting under new regulation that allows troops to shoot at masked Palestinians, soldiers shoot, wound one of several masked youths who clashed with IDF patrol in Jabaliyyah [FBIS 8/28].

Other Countries: Five-vessel French Navy task force remains off the Lebanese coast [NYT 8/26]; the French are joined by eight U.S. ships, including the battleship Iowa. Soviet guided missile cruiser Kirov is also there [FBIS 8/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv newspaper Davar reports Moshe Arens recently held meetings with prominent Palestinian leaders from the O.T. [FBIS 8/22].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Arafat arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein and senior Jordanian officials [FBIS 8/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 15-year-old Palestinian is killed, 12 are wounded in clash with IDF forces in Jabaliyyah camp. Commercial strike held in Ramallah [FBIS 8/ 21]. 3 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire while collecting magnetic ID cards in Jabaliyyah camp [FBIS 8/23]. In Jerusalem, Israeli soldier is stabbed by Palestinian youth, who is later arrested; the soldier was slightly injured [MET 8/29].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: From now on, Gazans working in Israel must present Israeli-issued ID cards in order to pass into Israel [LAT 8/19; CSM 9/6].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat, King Hussein of Jordan, and President Saddam Hussayn of Iraq meet in Baghdad to discuss latest developments in Lebanon and the O.T. [FBIS 8/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli security arrests 3 masked men trying to prevent Palestinian laborers from crossing into Israel [FBIS 8/18]. Facing question by army about the beating death of an Arab last August, Israeli soldier shoots himself; suicide note expresses fear over becoming scapegoat for other officers [LAT 8/19].

Arab World: At least 2 people are killed, 14 wounded by shell fire in Beirut [FBIS 8/18].