Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].
Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 22-year-old Palestinian dies while fleeing IDF. Soldier is slightly injured in rock-throwing incident. Bethlehem resident is wounded by IDF...
Other Countries: NBC News reports Israel has helped South Africa build a medium range missile [WP 10/26; NYT 10/27]; Israel denies reports [MET 11/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel freezes assets of Palestinians boycotting taxes [MET 10/31].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 9...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Moshe Arens cables James Baker that Israel will accept Baker's 5-point plan if U.S. agrees to "minor" changes [NYT, WP 10/25]. Israeli...
Arab World: Lebanese parliament votes 58-4 approving new national charter; Christian leader Aoun rejects accord [NYT, WP 10/23]. Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo to...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel police officer and soldier wounded by rocks. 18- year-old Palestinian killed by IDF gunfire in Nablus [FBIS 10/25].
Other Countries: 36 members of the House of Reps. send letter to Sec. of State Baker saying they have "specific questions" about the sale of U.S. M- 1 tanks to...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in O.T. 3 Palestinians are wounded, 8 arrested in Qibya. Qibya and Kafr Malik placed under curfew. 18- year-old masked...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli citizen and soldier are struck by car, Arab driver also injured. 2 W. Bank Palestinians are shot, killed in clashes with IDF forces. Army...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities appoint team to determine how Syrian MiG-23 penetrated air defenses on 10/11 [WP 10/13;JP 10/21]. Britain's...
Arab World: PLO defers bid to become full member of UNESCO [NYT 10/12; JP 10/ 21]. Syrian pilot flies Soviet MiG-23 to Israel and asks for political asylum [WP 10/...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army lifts blockade imposed on O.T. due to Yom Kippur; the blockade is imposed a day longer than announced [FBIS 10/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gazans are denied entry into Israel until 10/9 due to Yom Kippur [FBIS 10/11].
Arab World: Red Cross suspends operations in Sidon...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor members of Israel's inner cabinet propose to accept Egypt's offer to hold direct talks with Palestinians in Cairo. Likud defeats...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli peace activist Abie Nathan is sentenced to six months in prison for meeting last year with Yasir Arafat [NYT, WP 10/4; MET 10/10...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shimon Peres has asked the Bush administration to provide $400 million in loan guarantees to construct housing for the 100,000 Jewish...
Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in Nablus kill 54-year-old suspected collaborator [MET 11/7]. General strike in Tulkarm. 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded by IDF forces in clashes in O.T. [FBIS 10/31].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 22-year-old Palestinian dies while fleeing IDF. Soldier is slightly injured in rock-throwing incident. Bethlehem resident is wounded by IDF gunfire [FBIS 10/31].
Other Countries: NBC News reports Israel has helped South Africa build a medium range missile [WP 10/26; NYT 10/27]; Israel denies reports [MET 11/7].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian is shot dead in Bethlehem after hitting Israeli police officer with car. Nurse in Gaza accused of collaboration is stabbed, killed. Masked Palestinian is shot, killed by IDF in Gaza clash [FBIS 10/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel freezes assets of Palestinians boycotting taxes [MET 10/31].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 9 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout O.T. 16-year-old Palestinian is shot, killed by IDF troops. 12-year-old Palestinian dies of wounds received 10/19 [FBIS 10/26].
Arab World: South Lebanon Army (SLA) kills two guerrillas inthe Israeli "security zone" [NYT 10/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Moshe Arens cables James Baker that Israel will accept Baker's 5-point plan if U.S. agrees to "minor" changes [NYT, WP 10/25]. Israeli officials claim having letter that shows PLO is hiring local Palestinians for assassinations and "terrorist actions" [NYT 10/ 24].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike in Nablus and Tulkarm; 1 Palestinian is shot, killed, another is wounded by IDF gunfire. 2 Israeli cars are torched in E. Jerusalem [FBIS 10/25]
Arab World: Lebanese parliament votes 58-4 approving new national charter; Christian leader Aoun rejects accord [NYT, WP 10/23]. Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo to discuss with Pres. Mubarak the Baker plan [MET 10/31].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army detains 15 Palestinians; 16-year-old Palestinian is shot, killed in Tulkarm clash. 7 Palestinians in 'Askar camp wounded in clash. At least 5 other Palestinians wounded throughout O.T. IDF seals 2 Nablus schools and closes UNRWA school in Dahayshah camp [FBIS 10/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel police officer and soldier wounded by rocks. 18- year-old Palestinian killed by IDF gunfire in Nablus [FBIS 10/25].
Other Countries: 36 members of the House of Reps. send letter to Sec. of State Baker saying they have "specific questions" about the sale of U.S. M- 1 tanks to Saudi Arabia [WP 10/22; Oct. MEPARC].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army declares Bethlehem and Bayt Sahur closed military zones; IDF distributes leaflet in Bayt Sahur waming residents they will "go hungry" when media interest wanes [FBIS 10/23]. Khan Yunis school is closed indefinitely; 12-year-old Palestinian shot by IDF gunfire [FBIS 10/25].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in O.T. 3 Palestinians are wounded, 8 arrested in Qibya. Qibya and Kafr Malik placed under curfew. 18- year-old masked Palestinian is shot, killed in Hebron by IDF troops. Arsonists bum 30 dunums in the Kennedy Forest in W. Bank. Israeli car is torched in E. Jerusalem. Unified National Command of intifada issues leaflet number 47 [FBIS 10/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli citizen and soldier are struck by car, Arab driver also injured. 2 W. Bank Palestinians are shot, killed in clashes with IDF forces. Army confiscates goods and merchandise in at least 16 Bayt Sahur homes [FBIS 10/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities appoint team to determine how Syrian MiG-23 penetrated air defenses on 10/11 [WP 10/13;JP 10/21]. Britain's Consul-General in O.T. Ivan Callan calls for investigation into reports that Israeli troops shot dead an Arab youth who had surrendered to security forces [MET 10/ 24].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew in Nablus is lifted, soldiers shoot, kill 1 Palestinian, wound another in stone-throwing clash there; body of suspected collaborator is found in Nablus. 4 Palestinians are shot, killed; at least 4 are wounded, and 20 are arrested throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/13]. Army seals 2 Gaza houses [FBIS 10/17]. Arab World: Israeli troopshoot, kill DFLP guerrilla inside South Lebanon's "security zone" [MET 10/24].
Arab World: PLO defers bid to become full member of UNESCO [NYT 10/12; JP 10/ 21]. Syrian pilot flies Soviet MiG-23 to Israel and asks for political asylum [WP 10/12; MET 10/24].
Other Countries: Roman Catholic archbishops John Cardinal O'Connor of New York, Roger Mahoney of Los Angeles, and William Keeler of Baltimore, draft policy statement for the church hierarchy calling for Palestinian "territorial and political sovereignty" [NYT, WP 10/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Dahayshah camp near Bethlehem, soldiers close school indefinitely, arrest 20 students, impose camp-wide curfew after petrol bomb is thrown at IDF vehicle. Gazans end 5-day general strike. 4 villagers from Bayt Sahur are arrested for not paying taxes. 5 Palestinians are wounded in Gaza during clashes [FBIS 10/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army lifts blockade imposed on O.T. due to Yom Kippur; the blockade is imposed a day longer than announced [FBIS 10/11].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Baker orally submits to Israeli and Egyptian govemments 5 "suggested points" for beginning Palestinian-Israeli dialogue; the 5 points are not revealed [WP 10/11]. Baker is seeking to organize aWashington meeting between the foreign ministers of Egypt and Israel as a prelude to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations [NYT 10/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Phone service in Ramallah and Bethlehem is cut by army in response to leaflets calling for stepped-up protests. At least 13 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout O.T. Israeli court sentences Palestinian to 30 years in prison for killing suspected collaborator. 3 IDF soldiers are wounded by rocks [FBIS 10/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gazans are denied entry into Israel until 10/9 due to Yom Kippur [FBIS 10/11].
Arab World: Red Cross suspends operations in Sidon, Lebanon, after 2 relief workers were kidnapped on 10/6 [NYT, WP 10/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF soldier is injured by rock in jenin. 5 Palestinians in Burayj camp are wounded in demonstration. Tuqan School in Nablus is closed for 1 week [FBIS 10/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Labor members of Israel's inner cabinet propose to accept Egypt's offer to hold direct talks with Palestinians in Cairo. Likud defeats proposal [FBIS 10/6; NYT, WP 10/7; LAT 10/8].
Other Countries: General Assembly votes on an Arab proposal condemning Israel for human rights violations in the O.T.; 140 in favor, 2 (U.S., Israel) against [NYT 10/7; LAT 10/8]. 39 members of the U.S. House of Reps. send letter to Baker urging him to reject visa for Arafat [Oct. MEPARC].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army prevents multi-national European investigative group from entering Bayt Sahur [FBIS 10/10]; places Bayt Sahur under curfew. Army closes 18 Nablus schools, imposes curfews on 7 W. Bank refugee camps, declares Nablus, Bethlehem, Ramallah closed military zones. IDF forceshoot, kill Palestinian in clash in Battir village [FBIS 10/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli peace activist Abie Nathan is sentenced to six months in prison for meeting last year with Yasir Arafat [NYT, WP 10/4; MET 10/10; JP 10/14].
Arab World: Syrian official condemns proposals for elections in O.T., claiming they would not lead to independence for Palestinians [WP 10/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 16 W. Bank Palestinians are arrested for flying Palestine flags. Israeli court sentences 2 Palestinians to 6 years, 30 months, respectively, for membership in organizations. At least 18 Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/3]. IDF soldier is wounded by rock in E. Jerusalem [FBIS 10/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shimon Peres has asked the Bush administration to provide $400 million in loan guarantees to construct housing for the 100,000 Jewish immigrants Israel expects from the Soviet Union over the next three years [NYT, WP 10/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 5 Palestinians are shot, killed, 3 others are wounded in clashes with IDF troops in O.T. General strike in Nablus, 2 Palestinians wounded. 3 IDF soldiers wounded from stones. Palestinian suspected of collaboration is found dead [FBIS 10/3].