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  • December 30, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 15,000 Jews and Palestinians form human chain for peace 2.5 miles long around walls of Jerusalem's Old City. At several points...

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  • September 21, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rejecting President Mubarak's call to trade land for peace, Israeli P.M. Shamir says, "I don't think he meant it seriously. He was only...

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  • August 27, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports five Palestinians accused of leading the intifada in the W. Bank. 4 are deported to Lebanon, while the fifth, Dr. Taysir...

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  • August 25, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Laflets distributed in E. Jerusalem announce birth of Hizballah in Palestine, declare jihad against Israel and U.S. [FBIS 8/28].


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Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 15,000 Jews and Palestinians form human chain for peace 2.5 miles long around walls of Jerusalem's Old City. At several points police try to break up crowds by firing water cannons, tear gas, and rubber bullets. At least 50 are arrested, 70 wounded [NYT, WP 12/31; FBIS 1/3; FJ 1/8].

Military Action

Arab World: At Arafat's instruction, PLO militiamen south of Sidon take up positions to prevent clashes between Hizballah and Amal from spreading to PLO-controlled areas [NYT 12/31; FBIS 1/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rejecting President Mubarak's call to trade land for peace, Israeli P.M. Shamir says, "I don't think he meant it seriously. He was only joking . . . There is no element in the Arab world willing to give us peace." Shamir aides call on Mubarak to "stop preaching" [LAT, NYT 9/22].

Arab World: After meeting with President Mubarak, PLO leader Arafat says he endorses "open talks" with Israel, and urges citizens to help him resisthe controversial I. D. cards required of O.T. residents. [LAT, NYT 9/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians stone bus carrying West German tourists through Bethlehem, injuring two [LAT 9/22; MET 10/3].

Arab World: 16 pro-Iranian Shiite Kuwaitis are publicly beheaded in Saudi Arabia in connection with bombing during the annual pilgrimage in July [NYT, WP, LAT 9/22]. Lebanese Muslim member of parliament, Nazem Kaderi, 73, is assassinated in West Beirut [LAT, NYT 9/22]. Israeli troops attack Hizballah positions north of the "security zone" in Lebanon [MET 10/ 3]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel deports five Palestinians accused of leading the intifada in the W. Bank. 4 are deported to Lebanon, while the fifth, Dr. Taysir Aruri, is expelled to France [NYT, LAT 8/28; MET 9/5].

Other Countries: PLO spokesman in Washington says Arafat is "seriously considering" coming to New York in September for the UN General Assembly, and that the purpose of the visit "would not be to challenge the United States . . . [but] to facilitate and encourage the peacemaking process" [NYT 8/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 14 Gaza residents are detained after Molotov cocktail is thrown at army post. Petrol bombs are thrown at soldiers in Gaza and Jabaliyyah. Curfews on Rafah and Jabaliyyah lifted, curfew imposed on 'Ayn 'Arik near Ramallah after stonethrowing incident. At least 18 Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF forces throughout the O.T.; two children from Kafr Ni'mah are injured when a suspicious object explodes in their faces. Military court sentences 17-year-old Palestinian woman to 13 months in prison for attacking an IDF officer with a knife [FBIS 8/28].

Arab World: Israeli Air Force fighters bomb Hizballah camps in South Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding at least 10 [NYT 8/28]. At least 7 others are killed, 15 wounded in further Israeli raids on South Lebanon Hizballah bases [WP, LAT 8/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Laflets distributed in E. Jerusalem announce birth of Hizballah in Palestine, declare jihad against Israel and U.S. [FBIS 8/28].

Arab World: In Aden for visit, Arafat says latest round of U.S.-PLO talks did not go as they should have, blames U.S. intransigence [FBIS 8/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 46-year-old Israeli is found in a W. Bank village after reportedly being kidnapped on 8/24 by masked Palestinians [FBIS 8/25; NYT 8/26; MET 9/5]. Israeli figures say 13 Palestinians have been killed in the O.T. in the past eight days; that the violence has increased because Palestinian leaders have vowed to step up the intifada [WP 8/26]. Acting under new regulation that allows troops to shoot at masked Palestinians, soldiers shoot, wound one of several masked youths who clashed with IDF patrol in Jabaliyyah [FBIS 8/28].

Other Countries: Five-vessel French Navy task force remains off the Lebanese coast [NYT 8/26]; the French are joined by eight U.S. ships, including the battleship Iowa. Soviet guided missile cruiser Kirov is also there [FBIS 8/25].