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  • December 8, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yedi'ot Aharonot publishes interview with Shamir in which Shamir says a Palestinian state already exists, and that is Jordan [...

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  • September 22, 1989


    Arab World: Lebanese Christian leader Aoun accepts the Arab League's 7-point peace plan, agreeing to, among other points, an immediate cease-fire [WP, LAT, NYT 9/...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yedi'ot Aharonot publishes interview with Shamir in which Shamir says a Palestinian state already exists, and that is Jordan [FBIS 12/11].

Arab World: U.S. State Dep't confirms Iraq has successfully tested satellitelaunching rocket; it is first Arab nation to do so [WP 12/9].

In Jordan, more than 1,000 Palestinians block Amman-Damascus highway, demonstrate against new P.M. Mudar Badran. The demonstration is dispersed by police firing tear gas [FBIS 12/11].

Military Action

Arab World: Hizballah and Amal agree to cease-fire; it does not hold and at least 10 persons are killed [FBIS 12/8].


Arab World: Lebanese Christian leader Aoun accepts the Arab League's 7-point peace plan, agreeing to, among other points, an immediate cease-fire [WP, LAT, NYT 9/23]. Lebanon's Hizballah movement threatens vengeance on Saudi Arabia for 9/21 beheading of 16 Shiite Kuwaitis [WP 10/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinians accused of collaboration are killed, one in Gaza, the other inside Ketziot prison. General strike is observed throughout O.T. Israeli military says it has improved procedures for notifying families when relatives are detained; new detainees will be required to write postcards to their family [LAT 9/23].