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  • December 20, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The treasurer of Jewish. Agency, Meir Shitrit, says organization will have to turn its immigrant-absorption services over to Israeli...

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  • October 22, 1989


    Arab World: Lebanese parliament votes 58-4 approving new national charter; Christian leader Aoun rejects accord [NYT, WP 10/23]. Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo to...

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  • September 26, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defending decisions not to negotiate with PLO, P.M. Shamir says "were we to sit together, it would not be for negotiations but surrender...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: The treasurer of Jewish. Agency, Meir Shitrit, says organization will have to turn its immigrant-absorption services over to Israeli government unless Americans contribute more money [NYT 12/21].

Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University publishes annual report on military balance in Middle East. Study says Israeli military strong-arm tactics have not reduced protests in O.T. [WP 12/21; FBIS 12/28].

Arab World: Asad will visit USSR and is planning meeting with Mubarak in what political analysts in Damascus describe as reappraisal of Syrian policy in light of changing international and regional conditions [NYT 12/21].

Other Countries: Responding to NBC news report of 12/18, State Dep't says Israel informed U.S. about a month ago that it had purchased oil from Iran [NYT 12/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli electric company cuts electricity to Tulkarm village of Azzun [FJ 12/25].

Lydda military court sentences Khalid al-Amuri to life in prison for affiliating with PLO and throwing Molotov cocktails [FJ 12/25].

IDF declares Ramallah and al-Bireh market areas closed military zone, orders merchants to close shops [FJ 12/25].


Arab World: Lebanese parliament votes 58-4 approving new national charter; Christian leader Aoun rejects accord [NYT, WP 10/23]. Yasir Arafat arrives in Cairo to discuss with Pres. Mubarak the Baker plan [MET 10/31].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army detains 15 Palestinians; 16-year-old Palestinian is shot, killed in Tulkarm clash. 7 Palestinians in 'Askar camp wounded in clash. At least 5 other Palestinians wounded throughout O.T. IDF seals 2 Nablus schools and closes UNRWA school in Dahayshah camp [FBIS 10/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defending decisions not to negotiate with PLO, P.M. Shamir says "were we to sit together, it would not be for negotiations but surrender talks" [NYT, LAT 9/27]. Moshe Arens urges President Mubarak to meet with Shamir [WP 9/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nablus resident suspected of collaboration is killed [FBIS 9/26]. Soldier injured by rock in Gaza. General strike in Tulkarm [FBIS 9/27].