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  • September 21, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rejecting President Mubarak's call to trade land for peace, Israeli P.M. Shamir says, "I don't think he meant it seriously. He was only...

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  • March 25, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 6,000 Israeli Arabs will make pilgrimage to Mecca this year according to Israeli officials. 40 Israeli Arabs were denied permission...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rejecting President Mubarak's call to trade land for peace, Israeli P.M. Shamir says, "I don't think he meant it seriously. He was only joking . . . There is no element in the Arab world willing to give us peace." Shamir aides call on Mubarak to "stop preaching" [LAT, NYT 9/22].

Arab World: After meeting with President Mubarak, PLO leader Arafat says he endorses "open talks" with Israel, and urges citizens to help him resisthe controversial I. D. cards required of O.T. residents. [LAT, NYT 9/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians stone bus carrying West German tourists through Bethlehem, injuring two [LAT 9/22; MET 10/3].

Arab World: 16 pro-Iranian Shiite Kuwaitis are publicly beheaded in Saudi Arabia in connection with bombing during the annual pilgrimage in July [NYT, WP, LAT 9/22]. Lebanese Muslim member of parliament, Nazem Kaderi, 73, is assassinated in West Beirut [LAT, NYT 9/22]. Israeli troops attack Hizballah positions north of the "security zone" in Lebanon [MET 10/ 3]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Over 6,000 Israeli Arabs will make pilgrimage to Mecca this year according to Israeli officials. 40 Israeli Arabs were denied permission to make Hajj for security reasons [FBIS 3/27].

Arab World: Arafat, Jordan's King Hussein, Egypt's Pres. Mubarak meet in Egypt, discuss Middle East peace, Lebanon. Hussein declares that members of newly formed Arab Cooperation Council will not attend Arab Summit unless Egypt is invited [FBIS 3/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Khan Yunis troops open fire, kill 20-year-old Palestinian [FBIS 3/27, FJ 4/3]. In Gaza City troops kill Palestinian demonstrator. In Gaza City, Rafah Palestinian collaborators are found dead [FBIS 3/27]. At least 35 Palestinians are injured in O.T. [WP 3/26].