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  • August 20, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv newspaper Davar reports Moshe Arens recently held meetings with prominent Palestinian leaders from the O.T. [FBIS 8/22...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv newspaper Davar reports Moshe Arens recently held meetings with prominent Palestinian leaders from the O.T. [FBIS 8/22].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Arafat arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein and senior Jordanian officials [FBIS 8/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 15-year-old Palestinian is killed, 12 are wounded in clash with IDF forces in Jabaliyyah camp. Commercial strike held in Ramallah [FBIS 8/ 21]. 3 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire while collecting magnetic ID cards in Jabaliyyah camp [FBIS 8/23]. In Jerusalem, Israeli soldier is stabbed by Palestinian youth, who is later arrested; the soldier was slightly injured [MET 8/29].