361 / 15493 Results
  • January 1, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel launches austerity program to head off economic crisis. Among recommended measures is $300 million slash in the defense budget; D...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel launches austerity program to head off economic crisis. Among recommended measures is $300 million slash in the defense budget; D.M. Rabin wants an increase of $500 million [WP 1/2]. Israel expels 15 Palestinians from W. Bank, Gaza Strip bringing to 51 the number expelled in last year [WP 1/ 2]. Gaza Strip is placed under curfew [WP 1/2, FJ 1/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tulkarm soldiers shoot, wound 2 Palestinians. Injabalya troops shoot, wound 2 Palestinians. In Ramallah Palestinians clash with troops leaving 2 Palestinians injured [Fl 1/9].