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  • October 31, 1993

    West Bank settlers continue riots sparked by 10/29 killing of Beit El settler by Hamas militants. Also, Palestinian shot dead by IDF while trying to avoid roadblock at Qalqilya, West Bank, another...

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  • October 4, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Algiers accompanied by Faisal Husseini for talks with head of state Ali Kafi, PM Redha Malek. (MM 10/5)

    Hamas mbr. Kamal Bani Odeh, 20, of Tamoun, West Bank,...

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West Bank settlers continue riots sparked by 10/29 killing of Beit El settler by Hamas militants. Also, Palestinian shot dead by IDF while trying to avoid roadblock at Qalqilya, West Bank, another killed by settler he stabbed. (NYT 11/1; Qol Yisra'el 10/31 in FBIS 11/1)

Ahmad al-Nahas, VP of Hilton International, announces hotel chain has been approached by Palestinian investors seeking to erect new hotel in Jericho to take advantage of new Palestinian self-governing authority. Israeli legislators also confirm that Moroccan businessmen have expressed interest in developing Israeli tourism. (CSM, WT 11/1)

PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Algiers accompanied by Faisal Husseini for talks with head of state Ali Kafi, PM Redha Malek. (MM 10/5)

Hamas mbr. Kamal Bani Odeh, 20, of Tamoun, West Bank, drives car bomb into Israeli commuter bus outside IDF hq. in Beit El, West Bank. Attack kills Odeh and wounds 30 Israelis. Beit El settlers hold prayer protest at attack site until IDF forces them to leave. (NYT, WP 10/5)

Funeral of Israeli Druze leader Amin Tarif attracts "tens of thousands" of mourners, including 1,300 Druze fr. Lebanon and Syria. PM Rabin appeals to foreign visitors to be messengers of peace." (MM 10/4)

Israel reestablishes diplomatic relations with Cambodia, Burkina Faso (Upper Volta). (MM 10/5)