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  • October 30, 1993

    Jewish settlerset fire to 8 Palestinian homes in al-Birah, stone Palestinian cars in Ramallah, block West Bank roads in protest over killing of settler Haim Mizrachi by presumed Hamas militants....

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Jewish settlerset fire to 8 Palestinian homes in al-Birah, stone Palestinian cars in Ramallah, block West Bank roads in protest over killing of settler Haim Mizrachi by presumed Hamas militants. Settler, abducted 10/29, found stabbed to death in burned car north of Ramallah. Also, Palestinian involved in land sales to Israelis killed by masked gunmen. (NYT, WP, WT 10/31)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Syrian Pres. alAsad hold talks on peace process in Latakia. (SATV 10/30 in FBIS 11/1)

3,000 Palestinian women march in Rafah refugee camp, Gaza Strip, to demand immediate release of all remaining Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. (WP 10/31