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  • October 22, 1993

    Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal announces easing of closure of Jerusalem to Palestinians, allowing all women, men over 40, and accompanied children under 16, as well as physicians, attorneys, and...

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  • October 18, 1993

    U.S. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Dennis Ross begins Middle East tour to build on DoP, with visit to Cairo to meet Egyptian, Arab League leaders. (MENA 10/18 in FBIS 10/19...

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Israeli Police Min. Moshe Shahal announces easing of closure of Jerusalem to Palestinians, allowing all women, men over 40, and accompanied children under 16, as well as physicians, attorneys, and students to enter the city as of 10/26. FM Peres announces "several hundred" Palestinian prisoners will be released soon, "more" as PLO-Israel talks proceed. (NYT, WP, WT 10/23)

Thousands attend funeral in Gaza of Fateh official As'ad Saftawi, murdered 10/21. (NYT 10/23)

Israeli military prosecutors announce indictment of Arab-American Muhammad Salah, 39, on charges of being Hamas's military commander. Salah was arrested 1/93 while on visit to West Bank. (WT 10/23

U.S. special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Dennis Ross begins Middle East tour to build on DoP, with visit to Cairo to meet Egyptian, Arab League leaders. (MENA 10/18 in FBIS 10/19; CSM 10/19)

West Bank settlers plan civil disobedience, tax revolt, other measures against Israeli-Palestinian DoP, according to Yechiel Leiter of Council of Jewish Settlements in Judea and Samaria. (WT 10/18)

Fateh, PPP urge boycott of Jerusalem municipal elections by East Jerusalem Palestinians. (MM 10/18)