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  • July 21, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres orders attorney general to investigate Kiryat Arba's plan to fire all Palestinian workers. [FT 7/21]. Al-Fajr journalist...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Peres orders attorney general to investigate Kiryat Arba's plan to fire all Palestinian workers. [FT 7/21]. Al-Fajr journalist Musa Jaradat receives fourth consecutive town arrest order, confining him to his town of Sa'ir, in the Hebron district, for another 6 months [FJ 7/26].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli troops in helicopter gunships and armoured personnel carriers storm south Lebanese villages of Qabrikha and Sejoud, both inside the security zone, kill at least one, arrest several others, bum and loot property during house-to-house searches following bomb attack by guerrillas on SLA armored vehicle in a nearby village [WP, PI 7/22]. Israeli army announces it confiscated several katyusha rocket launchers during the raid [WP 7/22, JTA 7/23]. The Jerusalem Post reports 6 SLA soldiers disappeared from their posts last week and have apparently deserted to Amal [JP 7/21].