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  • May 26, 1992

    Anti-Arab riots continue for unprecedented third day in Bat Yam as thousands of Jews rampage, attack police. 11 persons are injured in the melee, including 2 policemen. Over 100 rioters are...

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Anti-Arab riots continue for unprecedented third day in Bat Yam as thousands of Jews rampage, attack police. 11 persons are injured in the melee, including 2 policemen. Over 100 rioters are arrested. Palestinian negotiator Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi condemns the girl's killing. (Qol Yisra'el 5/26, 5/27 in FBIS 5/27)

Representatives from Jordan, UNESCO meet in Amman to discuss proposed repairs to Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem. UNESCO promises that no steps will be taken without first consulting Jordan. (Radio Jordan 5/26 in FBIS 5/27)

Israel, Belarus establish diplomatic relations. (Qol Yisra'el 5/26 in FBIS 5/27)

Israeli jets bomb Islamic Resistance positions in Iqlim al-Tuffah region in S. Lebanon. 2 Israeli planes flying over Ba'labakk in E. Lebanon are fired on by Lebanese, Syrian, and Hizballah anti-aircraft guns. Attacks are most significant Israeli air raids in years. (WP 5/27)