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  • September 29, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two pardoned Shin Bet legal advisers are to be transferred to other jobs within the agency, Attorney General Harish decides (JP 9/30)....

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  • September 28, 1986

    Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israel appoints mayors of Hebron, Ramallah, and alBirah: respectively, 'Abd al-Majid Zir, Khalil Musa Khalil, and Hasan Tawil, all political...

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  • July 24, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Washington Post reports wide anti-Hussein sentiment in the occupied territories, with almost daily demonstrations and death...

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  • July 7, 1986


    Arab World: Jordan closes all 25 offices of Fateh while allowing 12 "PLO offices" to remain open; Arafat's military deputy and chief delegate in Amman, Khalil al-...

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  • February 17, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ibrahim Abu Hamad is appointed mayor of Yatta, near Hebron; Col. Ephraim Sneh, head of the civil administration, provides Abu Hamad...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two pardoned Shin Bet legal advisers are to be transferred to other jobs within the agency, Attorney General Harish decides (JP 9/30). Jordanian government recognizes Israeli-appointed mayors of Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Birah, but Amman-based Zuhdi Sa'id, deputy director of PLO Department of Occupied Territories, denounces the appointments, and calls for elections in West Bank. In Damascus, PFLP leader Dr. George Habash issues "death sentence" for the three mayors (JP 9/30).

Other Countries: In interview at UN, Syrian F.M. Faruq Shar' says world should expect continuing terrorist attacks against American targets until U.S. stops backing Israel occupation of West Bank, Golan Heights, and S. Lebanon (WP 9/30). Also at UN, PLO political director Faruq al-Qaddumi meets Soviet F. M. Shevardnadze (Fl 10/3).

Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israel appoints mayors of Hebron, Ramallah, and alBirah: respectively, 'Abd al-Majid Zir, Khalil Musa Khalil, and Hasan Tawil, all political moderates close to Jordan. (Israel had dismissed elected mayors in 1982) (WP 9/29). Thousands of Israelis jeer as P.M. Peres dedicates square in Ashqelon named for Moroccan King Muhammad V (NYT 9/29).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Washington Post reports wide anti-Hussein sentiment in the occupied territories, with almost daily demonstrations and death threats against supporters of Jordan [WP 7/24]. Muhammad Ja'bari of Hebron, Khalil Musa of Ramallah, and Walid Mustafa of al-Birah now balk at Amman's urgings to step forward for mayoralties of their towns [WP 7/24].

Arab World: joint communique issued by Morocco and Israel on Peres-Hassan meeting emphasizes Hassan's insistence on terms of 1982 Fez Plan for Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories [NYT 7/25]. King Hussein meets with Syrian President al-Asad in Damascus [WP 7/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade tossed from rooftop in Jericho injures 13 Israeli teenagers [NYT 7/25]; anonymous telephone caller to Radio Monte Carlo claims responsibility on behalf of DFLP [FJ 7/25].


Arab World: Jordan closes all 25 offices of Fateh while allowing 12 "PLO offices" to remain open; Arafat's military deputy and chief delegate in Amman, Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) given 48 hours to leave, movement of top Fateh officials restricted [NYT 7/8; WP 7/8, 7/9]. The New York Times cites reports that Jordan ispressuring 4 Palestinians to accept Israeli appointments to mayoralties of their towns: Khalil Musa for Ramallah; Walid Mustafa for al-Birah; Muhammad Ja'bari for Hebron; and 'Abd al-Fatah Dudin for Dura [FJ 7/4; NYT 7/8, 7/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ibrahim Abu Hamad is appointed mayor of Yatta, near Hebron; Col. Ephraim Sneh, head of the civil administration, provides Abu Hamad initial grant of $50,000 [JTA 2/19]. P.M. Peres announces Israel's willingness to allow residents ofoccupied territories greater authority in running municipal affairs and to appoint mayors for al-Birah, Ramallah, and Hebron [JP 2/17]. List of 7 willing to run al-Birah was submitted to civil administration; Ibrahim al-Far, head of Ramallah Chamber of Commerce, also submitted his candidacy. In al-Birah, opponents of the plan held a meeting on 2/12, led by former Mayor Ibrahim al-Tawil [JP 2/17]. Tel Aviv contractor Avraham Gindi pleads not guilty to charges of fraudulent West Bank land sales, breach of trust, tampering with evidence, attempts to suborn witnesses [JP 2/18]. Central Bureau of Statistics announces inflation rate for January was negative (-1.3%) for first time in 14 years [JC 2/18; DT 2/19].

Arab World: King Hussein holds talks with top Egyptian official Usama al-Baz on yesterday's Arafat-Mubarak talks [JP 2/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Six people were injured when bomb exploded on Petah Tikva-Tel Aviv bus on 2/14 [JTA 2/18].

Arab World: Lebanese guerrillasmbush Israeli army patrol in S. Lebanon "security zone," capturing 2 soldiers; Islamic Resistance Front claims responsibility. Israeli army immediately sweeps through more than 10 Shi'ite Muslim villages in S. Lebanon, looking for the missing [NYT, LAT 2/18; GU 3/5]. Two SLA militiamen are killed during the ambush [WP 2/18].