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  • June 8, 1999

    Arab Liberation Front, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Fatah, FIDA, Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian People' Party (PPP), Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF...

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  • May 12, 1999

    At the weekly PC session in Ramallah, PA Justice M Frayh Abu-Madayn criticizes lack of separation btwn. judiciary, executive branches of PA. (al-Quds 5/13 in WNC 5/14; al-...

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Arab Liberation Front, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Fatah, FIDA, Palestinian Liberation Front, Palestinian People' Party (PPP), Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hold unity mtg. in Ramallah, call on PA to hold municipal elections before the end of the yr., urge Palestinians to confront Israeli settlement construction. (HJ 6/10 in WNC 6/14)

Israeli mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert announces bid to lead the Likud party. Other contenders to replace Netanyahu as party head are outgoing FM Sharon, outgoing Finance M Meir Shitreet. (WP, WT 6/9; MM 6/10; JP 6/18; MM 6/30)

Israel, the U.S. call on Iran to immediate release of 13 Iranian Jews who have been jailed since 4/99 on charges of spying for Israel. (MM 6/8; MM, NYT, WT 6/9; IRIB Television, IRNA, TT 6/9 in WNC 6/10; NYT 6/10; WT 6/11, 6/13; JP, MEI, NYT 6/18; GIU, WP 6/22; WP 6/23, 6/29; IRNA 6/30 in WNC 7/1; WJW 7/1; WP 7/3)

In an unprecedented attack, unidentified gunmen open fire on a Lebanese courtroom in Sidon, killing 3 judges, a prosecutor, wounding 5 others, but not freeing any of the defendants in the room. (NYT, WP, WT 6/9; RL, al-Safir 6/9 in WNC 6/10; NYT 6/11; RL 6/11 in WNC 6/14; al-Riyad, Tishrin 6/12 in WNC 6/15; al-Thawra 6/12 in WNC 6/16; MM 6/14; MEI 6/18, 7/16) (see 5/24)

At the weekly PC session in Ramallah, PA Justice M Frayh Abu-Madayn criticizes lack of separation btwn. judiciary, executive branches of PA. (al-Quds 5/13 in WNC 5/14; al-Ayyam 5/3 in WNC 5/17)

Pres. Clinton notifies Congress that he will decide after Israeli elections whether to waive the transfer of the U.S. emb. in Israel to Jerusalem. The 10/23/95 Jerusalem Embassy Act orders the U.S. to move the emb. by 5/31/99 or suffer major funding cuts, though it gives the pres. the ability to delay the transfer for national security reasons. (WJW, WP, WT 5/13; JP, MM 5/14)

Deri, Shas party spiritual leaders endorse PM Netanyahu for 5/17 election. (CSM, WP, WT 5/13) (see 4/15)

Jewish settlers try to seize Palestinian land in Asira al-Qibliyya, sparking clash with local Palestinians. IDF intervenes when settlers fire in the air to intimidate the Palestinians. (al-Quds 5/13 in WNC 5/17)