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  • December 20, 1999

    In Ramallah, Israeli, PA final status teams meet but make no progress on the FAPS. The PA reportedly rejects Israel's demand that decision on final borders be based on Israel's security needs and...

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  • November 8, 1999

    In Ramallah, PA, Israeli teams start talks on a framework agmt. on final status. Mtg. focuses on procedures for future talks, which will be held 2-3 times per wk., alternating btwn. Jerusalem,...

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  • April 23, 1999

    In Geneva, the UN Human Rights Commission passes (31-1, with 21 abstentions) resolution condemning Israel's "continued violations" in the occupied territories. The U.S. votes against...

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  • January 27, 1999

    U.S. Secy. of State Albright flies to Egypt, Saudi Arabia to asks their assistance in implementing the U.S.'s policy of "containment plus regime change" toward Iraq. U.S. says that Middle East...

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  • January 3, 1999

    FMs of Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen hold mtg. in Hurghada, Egypt, to coordinate their positions in advance of the 1/24 Arab League special session on Iraq. (MENA 1/3, 1/4 in WNC 1/5; MM...

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In Ramallah, Israeli, PA final status teams meet but make no progress on the FAPS. The PA reportedly rejects Israel's demand that decision on final borders be based on Israel's security needs and continued Israeli sovereignty over settlements. (CSM 12/21)

Syrian FM Shara` stops in Beirut to brief Lebanese leaders on the Washington talks with Israel. (RL 12/20 in WNC 12/21)

Arafat arrives in Amman for 2-day visit to brief King Abdallah on talks with Israel, discuss Arab coordination in light of the resumption of the Syrian-Israeli talks. Arafat asks the king to intervene with Syria to improve PA-Syrian relations, encourage coordination on their negotiating tracks. Arafat would like hold a 5-way summit among Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the PA, Syria. (AYM, al-Quds 12/20 in WNC 12/22; al-Quds 12/21, JT 12/22 in WNC 12/23; AYM 12/21 in WNC 12/27; JT 12/28 in WNC 12/29)

In Ramallah, PA, Israeli teams start talks on a framework agmt. on final status. Mtg. focuses on procedures for future talks, which will be held 2-3 times per wk., alternating btwn. Jerusalem, Ramallah. (MM 11/8; AFP 11/8 in WNC 11/9; al-Quds 11/8, 11/9 in WNC 11/10; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/9; ITAR-TASS 11/10 in WNC 11/12; MEI 11/12)

In Paris, Arafat holds separate mtgs. on the peace process with French pres. Chirac, Egyptian pres. Mubarak. PM Barak discusses Syrian track with French PM Jospin. Arafat, Barak are in France to attend the 21st congress of the Socialist International. (MM 11/8; AFP, MENA 11/8 in WNC 11/9)

Israel's Atomic Energy Commission, which rarely makes public statements, releases a announcement saying "an employee died in a 12-foot fall while preparing scaffolding for a welding job at the nuclear research center [Dimona] in the Negev." The agency may have been seeking to prevent speculation about the cause of death. (NYT 11/9)

Jordan arrests leading Hamas activist `Abd al-Aziz Umary (also known as Izzat Rushuq), the 22d Hamas mbr. to be detained since the government crackdown began in 8/99; 2 other individuals are arrested, released on $5,000 bail each for "harboring" Umary. Hamas considers the arrests an escalation of hostilities. (MM, WP, WT 11/10; JT 11/10 in WNC 11/12; NYT 11/11; DUS 11/12 in WNC 11/15)

In Geneva, the UN Human Rights Commission passes (31-1, with 21 abstentions) resolution condemning Israel's "continued violations" in the occupied territories. The U.S. votes against. (Reuters [Internet] 4/23)

In Casablanca, Arab human rights groups open major 3 day conference on human rights conditions in the Arab world. It is the 1st international conference of the Arab Human Rights Movement. (INFOPAL 5/21)

Russian FM Ivanov meets with Arafat in Ramallah, then leaves for Egypt. (AFP, ITAR-TASS 4/23 in WNC 4/26; MENA 4/23 in WNC 4/27; MEI 5/7)

Jewish settlers set up new enclave on hilltop nr. Ma'ale Levona, nr. Ramallah. (AP [Internet] 4/24)

Hizballah detonates a roadside bomb in s. Lebanon, killing 1 SLA mbr., wounding a 2d. In an unrelated incident, the IDF shells a Lebanese army checkpoint n. of the self-declared security zone, injuring 3 civilians. (RL, VOL 4/23 in WNC 4/26; NYT, WP 4/24)

U.S. Secy. of State Albright flies to Egypt, Saudi Arabia to asks their assistance in implementing the U.S.'s policy of "containment plus regime change" toward Iraq. U.S. says that Middle East leaders have been "sympathetic" the its ideas but have not endorsed the plan, offered to aid in the effort. (MENA 1/27 in WNC 1/28; MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/28; WP, WT 1/29) (see 1/21)

Outside the PC mtg. in Ramallah, Palestinians demonstrate for the release of Palestinian political prisoners held in PA jails demonstrate. (LAW 1/29)

FMs of Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen hold mtg. in Hurghada, Egypt, to coordinate their positions in advance of the 1/24 Arab League special session on Iraq. (MENA 1/3, 1/4 in WNC 1/5; MM 1/5; MENA 1/6 in WNC 1/7; SATN 1/8 in WNC 1/12)

An Egyptian court sentences Israeli David Mineu to life with hard labor for smuggling drugs into the country. (MENA 1/7 in WNC 1/8)

Israeli police detain for deportation 14 American mbrs. of a Denver-based apocalyptic cult who were allegedly planning to mark the millennium by committing suicide or provoking their own killings in the streets of Jerusalem. Israel fears more such incidents as 2000 approaches. (NYT, WP, WT 1/4; MA 1/5 in WNC 1/6; WT 1/5; PR 1/8; WJW 1/7; WJW 1/14; JP 1/15)

Long-time Netanyahu ally Avigdor Lieberman launches new party, Yisrael Beitainu, aimed at rallying support of Russian immigrants for the PM before 5/99 elections. (MM, WP 1/4; MA 1/4 in WNC 1/5; NYT, WP 1/5)

The Israeli Housing Min. says that 7 contractors have submitted plans to build at Jabal Abu Ghunaym/Har Homa settlement site in Jerusalem. (WP 1/4; JP, PR 1/15)

Israeli television reports that 1,100 housing units are being constructed in a new West Bank settlement, Tal Tziyon, n. of Jerusalem, nr. Ramallah. A total of 7,000 units are planned. (ITV 1/3 in WNC 1/5)

IDF attacks suspected Hizballah bases in s. Lebanon not far fr. Syrian-held positions, wounding 5 Lebanese civilians, 1 Syrian soldier. (MM, WP 1/4; RL, VOL 1/3, AFP, RL 1/4 in WNC 1/5; MM 1/5)

Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden tells Time Magazine that he "instigated" the 8/7 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya, Tanzania. (CSM 1/4)