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  • June 15, 1990

    Cairo announces P.M. Shamir cabled Pres. Mubarak, proposing meeting to examine bilateral relations (cf. 6/18) [MAP 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].

    Ending 4-day visit to O.T., Women's International...

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Cairo announces P.M. Shamir cabled Pres. Mubarak, proposing meeting to examine bilateral relations (cf. 6/18) [MAP 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].

Ending 4-day visit to O.T., Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegates condemn Israeli practices in O.T., call for Palestinian state, and convening of international conference [FJ 6/25].

Masked gunmen shoot, kill Fateh official Ahmed Selim Draz in Palestinian refugee camp in Tyre, S. Lebanon; afterwards fighting breaks out among various pro-Palestinian factions [LAT 6/16].