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  • March 2, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir says Israel would participate in international conference but only if it is ceremonial, not substantive [WSJ 3/3]. Def. Min...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir says Israel would participate in international conference but only if it is ceremonial, not substantive [WSJ 3/3]. Def. Min. Rabin dismisses as illegal and impractical suggestion that occupied territories be closed to media [WP 3/3]. Red Line-organized march ends at P.M. Shamir's office in Jerusalem [FJ 3/13].

Other Countries: UN General Assembly votes 143 to 1 to support resolution calling U.S. law that would close PLO observer mission to UN a violation of U.S. treaty obligations; U.S. does not participate in vote. Resolution calling on World Court for opinion on case is also passed [WP 3/3].