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  • March 15, 1995

    In Cairo, Israeli, PA teams begin writing draft of election proposal, focus on structure of legislative council but end talks without making progress. (AN, MM 3/16; AN 3/17)


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  • August 10, 1994

    PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin hold 90-minute summit  mtg. at Erez crossing, Gaza Strip.  Israel agrees to open safe passages btwn. Gaza and Jericho, permit 6,000 more Palestinian workers...

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In Cairo, Israeli, PA teams begin writing draft of election proposal, focus on structure of legislative council but end talks without making progress. (AN, MM 3/16; AN 3/17)

German Chancellor Kohl, Israeli FM Peres, Jordanian Crown Prince Hassan meet in Bonn to discuss water, dam projects. Germany reportedly makes its financing of Yarmuk dam conditional on Syrian approval of project. (HA 3/16 in FBIS 3/17; al-Quds 5/9 in FBIS 5/12) (see 3/12)

Israeli Dep. FM Beilin meets Jordanian FM `Abd al-Karim al-Kabariti in Amman, discusses Christopher visit, plans for Amman conference to follow up on Casablanca mtg. of 10/30/94, scheduled for 4/10. (JT, QY 3/16 in FBIS 3/16)

After 1-mo. ban, Egypt allows Israel's Jerusalem Post to be sold again. (JP 3/15 in FBIS 3/17) (see 2/15)

PLO Chmn. Arafat and Israeli PM Rabin hold 90-minute summit  mtg. at Erez crossing, Gaza Strip.  Israel agrees to open safe passages btwn. Gaza and Jericho, permit 6,000 more Palestinian workers into Israel.  Both sides agree to pursue negotiations on expanding West Bank self-rule.  Israel puts off discussion of Jerusalem, criticizes PLO Political Dept. head Faruq Qaddumi's remarks on attacks on Israelis.  (Qol Yisra'el 8/10 in FBIS 8/11; MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/11)

World Bank announces establishment of field office in Gaza.  (World Bank release 8/10)

Jordan's Crown Prince Hassan meets 98-mbr. United Jewish Appeal delegation in Amman, says Jordan and Israel should coordinate economic policies before 10/94 Casablanca economic conference.  (MM 8/11)

Argentine Pres. Carlos Menem threatens to expel Iranian amb. over Tehran's alleged role in 7/18 bombing of Buenos Aires Jewish center.  Embassy had protested issuing of warrants for arrest of 4 Iranian diplomats in case.  (NYT, WT 8/11)

Senate approves foreign-aid bill 88-12, sending $13.8 b. measure to Pres. Clinton for signature.  Legislation, passed by House 8/4, includes $99 m. "down payment" on Jordanian debt relief, $3 b. in economic and military aid to Israel.  (WP 8/11)