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  • December 5, 1998

    Egypt's Pres. Mubarak arrives in Ankara for 2-day talks with Turkey's Pres. Demirel on boosting political, economic cooperation. (MM 12/7; MENA 12/9 in WNC 12/11)

    Arafat attends ceremony in...

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  • February 12, 1998

    Coinciding with the opening of Israel's 50th anniversary celebrations, Arafat threatens to "cross out" the peace agreements, declare a Palestinian state next yr. if the deadlock in negotiations...

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Egypt's Pres. Mubarak arrives in Ankara for 2-day talks with Turkey's Pres. Demirel on boosting political, economic cooperation. (MM 12/7; MENA 12/9 in WNC 12/11)

Arafat attends ceremony in Sweden to mark the 10th anniversary of his 1988 Stockholm visit in which he "renounced terrorism," sought to revive the peace process. In his speech, Arafat says that he has not set a deadline for declaring a state, that any Palestinian state wound not make alliances with parties hostile to Israel. (WP 12/7)

Nr. Ramallah, IDF breaks up demonstration by 300 Palestinians protesting Israel's release of criminals 11/20, new conditions to Wye implementation issued 12/2; injures 14. 5 Palestinians are injured in similar clashes in Bethlehem. PA Prisoners' Affairs M Hisham `Abd al-Raziq, 1,700 Palestinian prisoners begin hunger strike. (WT 12/6; WP, WT 12/7; MM 12/9; MEI 12/11; PR 12/18)

IDF demolishes 5 Palestinian homes, animal pens in Jiftlik nr. Nablus. (PR 1/8)

Coinciding with the opening of Israel's 50th anniversary celebrations, Arafat threatens to "cross out" the peace agreements, declare a Palestinian state next yr. if the deadlock in negotiations continues. (ITV 2/12 in WNC 2/15; WP, WT 2/13)

In Cairo, Arafat adviser Abbas briefs Egyptian FM Musa on latest round of follow-up talks taking place in Washington. (MENA 2/12 in WNC 2/15)

EU Pres. Santer arrives in Lebanon for 2-day stay, meets with PM Hariri. (VOL 2/12 in WNC 2/15; RL 2/13 in WNC 2/17)

In Amman, PM Majali discusses status of peace process with Israeli FMin. Dir Gen. Eytan Bentzur, urges Israel to implement Oslo agmts. (RJ 2/12 in WNC 2/15)

In Gaza, PA police try to tear down fence erected by Jewish settlers on disputed land outside Neve Dalim settlement. IDF troops intervene, scuffle with PA police, leaving 1 soldier injured. PA police cmdrs. arrive, break up fight. (WT 2/13) (see 1/23)

Despite 2/10 ban, 300 Palestinians in Hebron, 1,500 in Nablus stage rallies against attack on Iraq. (WT 2/13)

In mtg. with Defense Secy. Cohen in Moscow, Russian DM Igor Sergeyev strongly criticizes U.S.'s "uncompromising" stand on Iraq; warns against hasty judgement, short lived military victories; expresses "deep concern" regarding U.S.-Russia relations if the U.S. strikes Iraq. (WP, WT 2/13)