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  • March 3, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian farmers rally in Jericho to protest falling vegetable prices [FJ 3/6]. Planned Jerusalem memorial service for slain Nablus...

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  • February 21, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Members of Gaza Trade Union of Carpenters and Construction Workers defy Israeli ban, vote in first union election in Gaza in 20 years [...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian farmers rally in Jericho to protest falling vegetable prices [FJ 3/6]. Planned Jerusalem memorial service for slain Nablus mayor Zafir al-Masris banned by Israeli authorities [FJ 3/6]. Officials of Gaza's Union of Carpenters and Construction Workers hold press conference, complain of Israeli harassment since 2/21 elections [FJ 3/6]. Gaza military court sentences 3 teenagers charged with throwing stones and molotov cocktails to between 10 and 14 years in prison [FJ 3/13].

Arab World: Nabih Birri renews offer to swap captured Israeli for 400 Arabs held in Israeli prisons, urges Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine to free 4 professors [LAT 3/4].

Other Countries: U.S. grand jury indicts Israeli Air Force officer Aviem Sella on charges of espionage. Since espionage is not covered by extradition treaties, Sella cannot be extradited to stand trial [NYT 3/4]. Reports indicate Israeli objections have convinced U.S. officials to abandon plan to take $30 million of U.S. grants to Israel and give funds to Jordanian 5-year W. Bank development plan [LAT 3/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops use tear gas to break up protest at Balatah camp, impose curfew. Demonstration is believed related to 3/2 killing of Nablus youth. Students at Ramallah's Teacher Training College burn tires, clash with Israeli soldiers [FJ 3/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Members of Gaza Trade Union of Carpenters and Construction Workers defy Israeli ban, vote in first union election in Gaza in 20 years [NYT 2/22; FJ 2/27]. Jerusalem Post cites reports Israel has doubled size of forces in Lebanon to almost 3,000 UPI 2/21]. Meir Ya'ari, one of the founders of Hashomer Hatzair Zionist youth movement and a long-time leader of Mapam party, dies at age 90 UPI 2/28].

Other Countries: Head of PLO Political Dept. Faruq al-Qaddumi ends 3-day official visit to Rome [FJ 2/27].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 200 students participate in protest in Ramallah, throw stones at Israeli soldiers [FJ 2/27].

Arab World: Advance party of Syrian troops and tanks arrives in S. Beirut; 4,500 Syrian and Lebanese soldiers are expected to enter W. Beirut 2/22. Lebanese Pres. Jumayyil, returning from 10-day trip to European capitals, terms Syrian plan "illegal and unconstitutional" [WP 2/22].