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  • December 6, 1986

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations and "almost complete" general strike in major W. Bank and Gaza Strip towns protest shootings of Palestinian students. More than 70...

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  • September 4, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former political prisoner Hasan 'Abd al-Qadir Ilayan of Gaza dies in mysterious explosion near home village of Bayt Lahya, Gaza. Ilayan...

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Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dmonstrations and "almost complete" general strike in major W. Bank and Gaza Strip towns protest shootings of Palestinian students. More than 70 demonstrators are arrested. At least 6 Israelis are wounded [NYT 12/7]. Ramallah and al-Birah are placed under curfew; old campus of Birzeit University closed until January while left-wing politicians and press criticize security policies [CSM 12/9].

Arab World: SLA forces fire at Irish UNIFIL post, killing 1 Irish soldier. UNIFIL lodges official complaint with Israeli army [FJ 12/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former political prisoner Hasan 'Abd al-Qadir Ilayan of Gaza dies in mysterious explosion near home village of Bayt Lahya, Gaza. Ilayan was one of 605 released in 20 May prisoner swap between Israel and PFLP-GC (FJ 9/12).

Military Action

Arab World: Three French UNIFIL soldiers killed byt roadside landmine east of Tyre. Bomb is believed to have been planted by Shi'i militiamen (NYT 9/6).