9 / 15500 Results
  • November 14, 1991

    E. Jerusalem newspapers list names of some 30 new members of the political committees in the o.t. The committees already count some 150 members, reportedly largely Fateh activists but some from...

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  • October 23, 1988


    Arab World: PLO chairman Yasir Arafat calls on Israeli Arabs to "push forward the peace process" by voting in Israel's upcoming elections [LAT 10/24]. Pres....

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  • January 28, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Officials indicate Israel's leaders have decided to postpone expulsion of 5 Palestinians [WP 1/29]. Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev tours...

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  • January 22, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab merchants in E. Jerusalem continue commercial strike. About 600 police and border police stand guard outside al-Haram al-Sharif; 4...

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  • January 21, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports indicate Israel is sending psychologists to army units in Gaza Strip because of concerns about the effect of "power, force, and...

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  • December 31, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petition signed by 161 Israeli reserve soldiers and officers protests "brutal suppression" of Palestinian uprisings; signers say they...

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  • May 11, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli cabinet ministers follow party lines during 4 1/2- hour debate on international peace conference proposal presented by F. M....

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  • September 29, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two pardoned Shin Bet legal advisers are to be transferred to other jobs within the agency, Attorney General Harish decides (JP 9/30)....

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  • June 3, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military Objections Com. verifies private ownership of 'Ubewain land, near Ramallah, once claimed by Israel. Israeli IDF officers Maj....

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E. Jerusalem newspapers list names of some 30 new members of the political committees in the o.t. The committees already count some 150 members, reportedly largely Fateh activists but some from the Palestine Communist Party, DFLP-'Abd Rabbuh faction. (Qol Yisra'el 11/12, 11/14 in FBIS 11/14)

Fateh leaflet circulated in o.t. orders political committees to disband after receiving orders to this effect from Yasir Arafat. The order stated that the committees should be reorganized by a special committee made up of seven representatives from both the West Bank and Gaza, plus a president. Fateh leaflet asserts that the underground committees of the intifada, not the political committees, should form the basis for the future Palestinian state. (Qol Yisra'el 11/12, Al Ha'mishmar 11/15 in FBIS 11/15)

Some 200 supporters of Hamas, leftist factions demonstrate against peace talks at a gathering ofsome 500 supporters ofthe peace process who were listening to a presentation made by Faisal Husseini in Hebron. (MEM 11/14)

Celebrations marking the third anniversary of Palestinian "declaration of independence" [11/15/89] begin in the occupied territories. (MEM 11/15)

Two alleged Palestinian collaborators are found dead in Gaza. (MEM 11/15)

Fighting continues in S. Lebanon as SLA artillery shells Iqlim al-Tuffah, Nabatiyya areas of S. Lebanon. Israeli helicopters attack PFLP office in Rashidiyya cmp, S. Lebanon. Aircraft later bomb Hizbullah bases in Malita village, Jabal Safi area of S. Lebanon. (MEM 11/14)


Arab World: PLO chairman Yasir Arafat calls on Israeli Arabs to "push forward the peace process" by voting in Israel's upcoming elections [LAT 10/24]. Pres. Mubarak of Egypt and Arafat fly to Baghdad, meet with Saddam Husayn [LAT 10/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops wound 9 Palestinians during protests in the occupied territories [NYT 10/24]. Clashes occur in Nablus, Jenin, Ramallah, Jabalya, Rafah, Beach, Sa'ir [FJ 10/30].

Arab World: Between 4 and 6 PFLP guerrillas are killed by Israeli troops in south Lebanon [NYT 10/24]. Israeli troops arrest "several" others in south Lebanon in connection with 10/19 car bombing [NYT 10/ 24, WP 10/25]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Officials indicate Israel's leaders have decided to postpone expulsion of 5 Palestinians [WP 1/29]. Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev tours Nablus and 'Askar camp, confirms Irael will build several new detention centers in occupied territories, including 1 for children [FBIS 1/28; WP 1/29]. Israeli bus used to transport Palestinian workers to jobs inside green line is torched in Tulkarm district. Commercial strike continues in Ramallah, al-Birah, and E. Jerusalem [FBIS 1/28, 1/29]. Leaflets signed by PLO and Unified National Com. for the Uprising call for general strike to continue, renewed mass demonstrations beginning 1/30 [WP 1/29, 2/2]. According to Israeli officials, 111 W. Bank residents and 18 Gazans have been placed under administrative detention since 12/9; 1,753 have been arrested; and 577 have already received prison sentences for participating in the uprising [FBIS 1/28].

Arab World: PFLP denies Jordanian accusations that it attempted to incite rebellion against the Hashimite regime [FBIS 1/29].

Other Countries: U.S. Pres. Reagan holds talks with Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak. Both urge Israeli and Palestinian acceptance of 6-month cooling-off period [NYT, WP 1/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian sources report 1 demonstrator is killed by army gunfire in Rafah [FJ 1/31]. Military rounds up males between the ages of 15 and 45 in Shu'fat during night raid [NYT 1/30]. Troops teargas Palestinian demonstrators in Nablus. Curfews continue in Bayt 'Ur al-Tahta village and Sa'ir [FBIS 1/28]. Curfew on Jabalya refugee camp is lifted [FBIS 1/29]. Military lifts curfew on Jalazun refugee camp, reimposes curfew on Qabatiyyah village following morning protests. Yediot Aharonot reports IDF has established a regional headquarters and several camps in Gaza Strip, a sign it plans to maintain high levels of deployment [FBIS 1/29]. IDF reports scattered incidents of stone throwing in Gaza Strip [FJ 1/31].

Arab World: Israeli warplanes conduct mock raids over al-Awwali Bridge. IDF gunboats fire flares over Sidon [FBIS 1/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab merchants in E. Jerusalem continue commercial strike. About 600 police and border police stand guard outside al-Haram al-Sharif; 4 Palestinians are arrested on charges of inciting demonstration. Jerusalem Police Chief Yosef Yehudai asks for, receives emergency security powers; Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Tur is placed under curfew [WP 1/23]. Military closes al-Quds for 45 days [FBIS 1/22]. Israel reports capture of 8-member armed PFLP cell in W. Bank, alleges group was responsible for October 1987 murder of Yigdal Shahaf [FBIS 1/26]. Arsonists set fire to customs department in Hebron [FJ 1/24].

Other Countries: UN Sec. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar releases report on Palestinian uprising in occupied territories, condemning Israeli use of harsh methods against demonstrators and endorsing plan for international peace conference on Middle East [WP 1/23].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military lifts curfews on Rafah, Khan Yunis, Beach, and Dayr al-Balah refugee camps. Curfews remain in effect in Gaza Strip's Jabalya, Nusayrat, Maghazi, and Burayj camps. Curfews continue in W. Bank's old and new 'Askar camps and villages of Sa'ir and al-Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah. Curfews are imposed on Tulkarm refugee camp and Ramallah-area village of Bayt 'Ur al-Tahta after marches and stone throwing [FBIS 1/22; FJ 1/24].

Arab World: Amal releases 3 Palestinians [FBIS 1/22]. Salah Salah, Palestinian command secretary in S. Lebanon, announces his forces will withdraw from Sidon and Iqlim al-Tuffah roads [FBIS 1/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reports indicate Israel is sending psychologists to army units in Gaza Strip because of concerns about the effect of "power, force, and beatings" policy on mental health of Israeli soldiers [NYT 1/22]. Shopowners in E. Jerusalem, W. Bank, and Gaza Strip strike [FBIS 1/21; FJ 1/24]. Attorney for 5th Palestinian scheduled for deportation announces his client is dropping his appeal [FBIS 1/22].

Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Husni Mubarak calls for 6-month cease-fire in occupied territories, international peace conference on the Middle East as part of new peace initiative [WP, LAT 1/22]. Jordan's P.M. Zayd Rifa'i tells parliament that 23 PFLP members have been detained on charges of attempting to instigate disturbances in Jordan [FBIS 1/25].

Other Countries: U.S. criticizes Israel's new policy of beating Palestinian protesters [WP 1/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews on 4 Gaza Strip camps are eased, allowing people to leave for work and food trucks to enter; 4 other Gaza camps remain under curfew [WP 1/22]. Palestine Press Service reports minor disturbances near Hebron, Ramallah, and Nablus. Relief workers in occupied territories reportreating many Palestinians for fractures, head wounds caused by severe beatings by soldiers, border police [WP, LAT 1/22]. Military lifts 7-day-old curfew on town of Salfit. Sa'ir, village near Hebron, al-Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah, near Ramallah, and old and new 'Askar camps are placed under curfew [FJ 1/24].

Arab World: Moroccan government acknowledges 1 student iskilled and 9 others injured in clash between police and pro-Palestinian demonstration in Fez [NYT 1/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petition signed by 161 Israeli reserve soldiers and officers protests "brutal suppression" of Palestinian uprisings; signers say they will not serve in occupied territories [WP 1/1]. Closures of Gaza's Islamic U. and Palestine Religious Institute are extended until 1/10. Nablus' al-Rawda College is ordered closed for 1 week [FJ 1/3].

Other Countries: In U.S., Fu'ad Rafidi of Cleveland, OH, a naturalized American, is ordered deported because of alleged PFLP connections [FJ 1/31].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators clash with Israeli troops in Dhahriyyah and Am'ari refugee camp. Scattered minor demonstrations are reported throughout W. Bank. Army reports 1,200 Palestinians have been arrested in connection with the recent uprisings [WP, NYT 1/1]. Am'ari camp is placed under curfew [FBIS 12/31].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli cabinet ministers follow party lines during 4 1/2- hour debate on international peace conference proposal presented by F. M. Peres; cabinet adjourns without voting on plan [LAT 5/12]. Belgian F. M. Leo Tindemans, visiting Israel and the occupied territories as representative of European Community, reiterates EC support for international peace conference [FJ 5/17]. In Kafr Qasim village, inside green line, 3,100 elementary and secondary school students protest arrest of 16-year-old student on charges of throwing stones at settlers [FJ 5/17].

Other Countries: U.S. immigration judge dismisses case against 8 immigrants charged with PFLP membership [LAT 5/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two pardoned Shin Bet legal advisers are to be transferred to other jobs within the agency, Attorney General Harish decides (JP 9/30). Jordanian government recognizes Israeli-appointed mayors of Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Birah, but Amman-based Zuhdi Sa'id, deputy director of PLO Department of Occupied Territories, denounces the appointments, and calls for elections in West Bank. In Damascus, PFLP leader Dr. George Habash issues "death sentence" for the three mayors (JP 9/30).

Other Countries: In interview at UN, Syrian F.M. Faruq Shar' says world should expect continuing terrorist attacks against American targets until U.S. stops backing Israel occupation of West Bank, Golan Heights, and S. Lebanon (WP 9/30). Also at UN, PLO political director Faruq al-Qaddumi meets Soviet F. M. Shevardnadze (Fl 10/3).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military Objections Com. verifies private ownership of 'Ubewain land, near Ramallah, once claimed by Israel. Israeli IDF officers Maj. Livyatan & Capt. Gila, identified in court as involved in 1980 bomb attacks on West Bank mayors. Ramallah military court sentences 3 youths from Dura, Hebron district, to 10-12 mos. for alleged membership in illegal organization.

Arab World: In Beirut demonstration, 15-100,000 protestors (by various estimates) demand Israel withdraw from Lebanon. PFLP & DPLF issue statements vowing to step up attacks against IDF occupiers.

Other Countries: UN Sec. Gen. De Cuellar leaves on 10-day tour of Middle East. Israel refuses UN human rights com. entry to occupied territories on fact-finding visit.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police severely beat Ramallah truckdriver without cause.

Arab World: IDF soldier wounded by bomb explosion near Sarafand, S. Lebanon.