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  • December 23, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa begins Christmas pilgrimage to Holy Land, offers support for creation of independent Palestinian...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa begins Christmas pilgrimage to Holy Land, offers support for creation of independent Palestinian state as well as for Israel's "independence and t rritorial integrity" [NYT 12/24].

Arab World: Syrian Vice President Khaddam arrives in Cairo for meetings with Mubarak [FBIS 12/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Rafah Palestinians are killed in clashes with IDF troops; at least 20 are wounded. Military orders closing of 11 Gaza schools, most of them operated by UNRWA, for stonethrowing incidents [FBIS 12/27].

Arab World: Fierce fighting between Amal and Hizballah forces breaks out in southern Lebanon; police report 17 killed, 40 injured [NYT 12/24].