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  • November 18, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian-American Prof. Muhammad Shadid announces that Israeli authorities have revoked his work permit, forcing him to leave the...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian-American Prof. Muhammad Shadid announces that Israeli authorities have revoked his work permit, forcing him to leave the country when his visa expires. Israeli action comes after the publication of a poll Shadid conducted showing that most Palestinians in the W. Bank and Gaza consider the PLO their representative [LAT 11/19; NYT 11/21]. General strike in E. Jerusalem protests Jewish anti-Arab violence that has erupted since the stabbing of a Jewish seminary student [FJ 11/21]. Israeli High Court upholds government decision to confiscate land from Sur Bahir, near Bethlehem. Land owners are fined for delaying forestry projects [FJ 11/21].