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  • May 28, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Letter from Baker to Arens implying that continued settlement of O.T. may lead to cut off of U.S. aid is made public [FBIS 5/30].

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  • May 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts curfew on part of Gaza Strip, refuses to allow Gazans to reporto work inside green line. Palestinians report that Israeli...

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  • May 11, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that Sec. of State Baker has sent letter to F. M. Arens pressing for specifics concerning Israel's proposed...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Letter from Baker to Arens implying that continued settlement of O.T. may lead to cut off of U.S. aid is made public [FBIS 5/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Kifl Harith settlers shoot, kill 16-year-old Palestinian, wound 2, burn house. In Tall Palestinian is shot, killed while farming [FBIS 5/30]. In E. Jerusalem 18-year-old Palestinian from Hebron dies of wounds received 5/18. In Khan Yunis 37-year-old Palestinian suspected of collaboration is killed. At least 6 Palestinians are injured throughout O.T. [FBIS 5/31]. Guerrillas in S. Lebanon fire Katyusha rockets at Metulla, slightly injure Israeli baby [FBIS 5/30].

Arab World: In south Lebanon SLA, IDF patrol kills 2 guerrillas attempting to infiltrate Israel [FBIS 5/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts curfew on part of Gaza Strip, refuses to allow Gazans to reporto work inside green line. Palestinians report that Israeli authorities have ordered them to stop exporting citrus from Gaza. Tel Aviv mayor Shlomo Lahat says that the city will no longer employ Palestinians for street cleaning, garbage collecting, sanitation work: "I don't want to discriminate and make them take only this kind of job, which has been the case up until now" [NYT 5/19]. Israel bans Druze leader from Galilee from entering O.T. for 1 year [FBIS 5/18].

Arab World: Jordan's king Hussein calls Israel's election proposal an attempt to "waste time" [LAT 5/19]. PLO calls on UN to take "practical measures to protect the residents of the West Bank and Gaza" [FBIS 5/19].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In E. Jerusalem 20-year-old Palestinian from Duhayshah dies from wounds received 2 weeks earlier. In Jamma'in troops open fire, kill Palestinian [FBIS 5/18]. IDF troops shoot, kill Palestinian youth from Nusayrat camp [FBIS 5/19]. At least 3 Palestinians are shot, injured in Tulkarm camp [FBIS 5/18].

Arab World: Soldiers of the Israeli-backed South Lebanese Army (SLA) wound 2 Irish UNIFIL troops in the Israeli-imposed "security zone" [FBIS 5/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that Sec. of State Baker has sent letter to F. M. Arens pressing for specifics concerning Israel's proposed election for O.T.-status of E. Jerusalem residents, international supervision, link between autonomy and final settlement [WP 5/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF kills 17- year-old Palestinian in Hebron [FBIS 5/11, NYT 5/12]. Over 100 right-wing Israeli march through Ashkelon, chant, "Death to Arabs," stoning Arab cars [NYT 5/12].

Arab World: Egypt is considering forgoing production of U.S.-designed M-IA1 tank in favor of joint Egyptian-Iraqi production of tank based on Soviet T-72 [WP 5/12].