185 / 15454 Results
  • February 20, 2005

    The IDF fatally shoots 2 Palestinians in Rafah whom it suspected of smuggling arms; opens the Rafah crossing to Palestinians aged 16–35; fires, shells on residential areas of Khan Yunis; conducts...

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  • December 11, 2004

    Hamas, the Fatah Hawks (Fatah’s armed wing, which has not staged an attack on an Israeli target since the 1st intifada) take joint responsibility for detonating a massive bomb underneath an IDF...

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  • November 27, 2004

    The IDF fires on stone-throwing youths in Nablus, killing a 15-yr.-old Palestinian boy; fires on residential areas of Asira Shamaliyya, Rafah (seriously wounding a 4-yr.-old Palestinian girl...

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  • November 1, 2004

    A PFLP suicide bomber fr. Askar r.c. nr. Nablus detonates a device in a Tel Aviv open-air market, killing 3 Israelis, wounding 32. The PFLP says that the bombing was carried out to warn...

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  • October 24, 2004

    During the day, the IDF fires on the funeral procession for the Abu Mustafa brothers killed late on 10/23, wounding a 15- yr.-old Palestinian; conducts arrest raids, house searches in Anata, Askar...

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  • September 22, 2004

    A female AMB suicide bomber fr. Askar r.c. detonates a device in East Jerusalem’s French Hill settlement when 2 Israeli border policemen ask to search her bag; the bomber, 2 Israeli police...

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  • August 27, 2004

    The IDF enters, fires on residential areas of Askar r.c., Balata r.c., Nablus. Palestinians fire a mortar at Gush Katif, damaging 1 house. While Palestinians across the territories observe a day...

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  • August 25, 2004

    The IDF demolishes 5 Palestinian homes, bulldozes 45 d. in al-Mughraqa nr. Gaza City; blows up 1 Palestinian home nr. Nablus; fires tear gas at Palestinians waiting to cross the al-Mawasi...

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  • August 24, 2004

    The IDF sends troops into Bethlehem, seals and searches a hospital for 3 hrs., detains 2 Palestinians (apparently not patients). The IDF also stages a major incursion into Askar r.c., rounding up...

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  • August 23, 2004

    In Rafat, the IDF opens fire on several Palestinians removing belongings fr. a home that the IDF earlier warned would be demolished, seriously wounding 1 Palestinian, firing on an ambulance that...

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  • June 18, 2004

    The Palestinian Resistance Comms. (PRCs) fire a new Nasser 3 rocket, with a longer range than the Qassam 2, at Sederot, causing minor damage to a wall, garden shed; also fire 2 mortars at Gaza’s...

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  • June 13, 2004

    The IDF fires on residential areas of Rafah, wounding a 9-mo.-old baby; razes a Palestinian home, 65 dunams of agricultural land in al-Qarara; bulldozes 1.5 dunams of citrus trees, a telephone...

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  • May 19, 2004

    IDF expands operations in Rafah to Brazil r.c. and al-Salam neighborhood. IDF helicopters fire 4 missiles at some 3,000 Palestinians, mostly school children, staging a peaceful march fr....

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  • May 10, 2004

    The IDF conducts arrest raids in Askar r.c., Balata r.c; blows up 2 Palestinian homes in Rafah, 1 nr. Dayr al-Balah; demolishes 2 Palestinian homes, bulldozes 40 dunams of land in al-Qarara. (MM 5...

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  • March 29, 2004

    The IDF reinforces roadblocks in East Jerusalem; demolishes the Palestinian home in Rafah that American ISM activist Rachel Corrie died defending on 3/16/03; fires on residential areas of,...

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  • February 6, 2004

    IDF undercover units traveling in cars with Palestinian license plates raid Askar r.c., arrest 4 Palestinians. The IDF also begins (without forewarning) requiring special licenses for trucks...

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  • January 20, 2004

    The IDF sends troops into Rafah to search for smugglers’ tunnels, completely demolishes 22 Palestinian homes, a mosque along the Rafah border with Egypt, heavily damages another 16 homes, leaving...

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  • January 18, 2004

    Israel reopens the Erez crossing, allowing 3,600 Palestinian laborers to reach their jobs in the Erez industrial zone and Israel. The IDF raids a mosque in Hebron, detaining worshippers for 2 hrs...

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  • September 20, 2003

    The IDF pulls out of Jenin after 3 days of operations that caused extensive damage to the electricity, sewer, and water systems and to an elementary school; several cars were blown up, a home...

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  • August 13, 2003

    The IDF demolishes the Askar r.c. home of 1 of the 8/12 suicide bombers; demolishes another 6 Palestinian homes in al-Walaja; conducts late-night arrest raids in Nablus, Qalqilya. The IDF also...

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  • August 8, 2003

    IDF troops raid Askar r.c., accompanied by 4 armored personnel carriers, 14 military jeeps, 2 armored bulldozers, and 2 helicopters; surround the apartment building where wanted Hamas mbrs. Hamis...

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  • June 18, 2003

    The IDF fires on a Palestinian cell phone company car in Dayr al-Balah, wounding 2 company workers; demolishes 3 Palestinian homes nr. Rafah (also bulldozing 5 dunams of land), 1 in Jenin, 1 nr....

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  • June 17, 2003

    The IDF fires on stone-throwing Palestinians in Askar r.c., Balata r.c.; demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in Rafah, 1 in Issawiyya; bulldozes 26 dunams of land in Rafah; conducts arrest raids in...

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  • June 14, 2003

    The IDF opens fire on stone-throwing youths in Askar r.c., killing 1 Palestinian; bars a Palestinian heart attack victim fr. crossing a checkpoint to reach a hospital, allowing him to die; places...

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  • June 8, 2003

    The AMB, Hamas, Islamic Jihad take joint responsibility for an attack on Erez Crossing in which 3 Palestinian gunmen dressed in IDF uniforms open fire, killing 4 IDF soldiers, wounding another 4...

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  • May 21, 2003

    The IDF sends troops, bulldozers back into Bayt Hanun, digging trenches across several main roads; opens fire on stone-throwing youths in Qarawat Bani Zaid, killing 2 Palestinians; imposes a...

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  • March 29, 2003

    The IDF opens fire on a crowd of stone-throwing Palestinians in Askar r.c., killing 1 Palestinian child; harasses Palestinian fishermen fishing in a permitted zone off the Gaza coast. (NYT, WP 3/...

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  • January 11, 2003

    In Gaza, 2 Palestinian children (ages 12, 14) armed with knives infiltrate Netzarim settlement, are shot at and wounded by a settler rabbi, captured by IDF troops. The IDF erects a new checkpoint...

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  • December 27, 2002

    Retaliating for the assassination of Islamic Jihad’s Abu Rub on 12/26, 2 Islamic Jihad gunmen infiltrate Otniel settlement nr. Hebron, fatally shooting 2 Jewish settlers, 2 IDF soldiers, wounding...

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  • November 27, 2002

    Before dawn, IDF helicopters fire 5 missiles at a school in Khan Yunis, extensively damaging it; fatally shoots a Palestinian drummer going alley-to-alley in Askar r.c. nr. Nablus despite the...

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The IDF fatally shoots 2 Palestinians in Rafah whom it suspected of smuggling arms; opens the Rafah crossing to Palestinians aged 16–35; fires, shells on residential areas of Khan Yunis; conducts arrest raids, house searches in Askar refugee camp (r.c.), Balata r.c., al-Mawasi, Nablus; begins construction of a new separation wallsegment e. of Jerusalem nr. al-Ram. 5 armed Jewish settlers fr. Mitzpe Lakhish nr. Hebron severely beat a 17-yr.-old Palestinian grazing animals on his family property nearby. 10s of Jewish settlers fr. Kiryat Arba rampage through Palestinian areas of Hebron, throwing stones at houses, beating 8 Palestinians. In Rafah, 1 PA security officer is killed, 1 is wounded trying to demolish a smugglers’ tunnel. A Palestinian dies of injuries received in Nablus on 10/27/04. (IMEMC, JP, MENA, VOP 2/20; HA, NYT 2/21; PR 2/23; PCHR 2/24; MM 2/25)

Hamas, the Fatah Hawks (Fatah’s armed wing, which has not staged an attack on an Israeli target since the 1st intifada) take joint responsibility for detonating a massive bomb underneath an IDF checkpoint on the Gaza-Egypt border, killing 5 IDF soldiers, wounding at least 10; armed Palestinians exchange fire with IDF soldiers attempting to remove the wounded, leaving 1 Palestinian attacker dead. The IDF imposes a curfew on Talluza nr. Nablus; shells an elementary school in Khan Yunis, injuring 7 children; fires on, detains crew mbrs. of 2 Palestinian fishing boats off the Gaza coast; fires on stone-throwing Palestinians in al-Fara‘a r.c.; shells residential areas, bulldozes 24 d. of agricultural land and 8 greenhouses nr. Khan Yunis; conducts arrest raids, house searches in Askar r.c., Hebron. Palestinian shepherds herding nr. ‘Aqraba nr. Nablus severely beat a Jewish settler fr. Itamar settlement who attempts to steal their sheep; other Palestinians alert police, who intervene, detain several Palestinians. Jewish settlers fr. Kiryat Arba settlement in Hebron throw stones, bottles at Palestinian houses nr. the Ibrahimi Mosque/Tomb of the Patriarchs (IMEMC, WP 12/12; JAZ, MENA, VOI 12/12 in WNC 12/14; MM 12/13; JAZ 12/13 in WNC 12/15; HA, MM, PR 12/15; AYM 12/15 in WNC 12/18; PCHR 12/16; PR 12/22)

The IDF fires on stone-throwing youths in Nablus, killing a 15-yr.-old Palestinian boy; fires on residential areas of Asira Shamaliyya, Rafah (seriously wounding a 4-yr.-old Palestinian girl playing outside her home); sends troops into Askar r.c., fires on residential areas, then fires on stonethrowing Palestinians who confront the troops; raids a mosque in al-Tabaqa nr. Hebron, interrogates worshipers for 1 hr.; raids a charitable society in Dura nr. Hebron, confiscating documents, equipment. (VOI 11/27 in WNC 11/30; NYT 11/28; PCHR 12/2)

A PFLP suicide bomber fr. Askar r.c. nr. Nablus detonates a device in a Tel Aviv open-air market, killing 3 Israelis, wounding 32. The PFLP says that the bombing was carried out to warn Palestinian leaders against being “seduced into talking about ending the resistance and haggling over the national legitimate rights and principles of our people” now that Arafat is out of the West Bank. In the evening, IDF undercover units raid Nablus, assassinate Nablus AMB leader Majdi Mari (whom it attempted to assassinate on 9/15/04), AMB mbrs. Jihad Abu Salah and Fadi al-Sarwan, injure a 4th AMB mbr., 4 bystanders. During the day, the IDF closes the Qalandia checkpoint, declaring the area a closed military zone (see 10/16); fatally shoots 2 Palestinians allegedly attempting to infiltrate Kefar Darom; fires on a group of stone-throwing Palestinian children in Askar r.c., killing a 12-yr.-old Palestinian boy; stops, argues with, shoots and wounds 2 Palestinian teenagers walking nr. the separation wall nr. Jayyus; fires on stone-throwing youths in Jenin r.c.; bulldozes 39 d. of olive groves and greenhouses, 1 Palestinian home nr. Dayr al-Balah; conducts arrest raids, house searches in ‘Anza nr. Bethlehem, al-Bireh, Birzeit, Jayyus, al-Khadir, al-Mughayyir, Nur al-Shams r.c., Rafat nr. Nablus, Tulkarm. Jewish settlers fr. Otniel throw stones at, harass Palestinians and international peace activists harvesting olives on nearby Palestinian land, forcing them to leave. Jewish settlers in Hebron assault Palestinians, attack Palestinian homes nr. the Ibrahimi Mosque/Tomb of the Patriarchs. In both cases, the IDF troops observe but do not intervene. (BBC, HA, MM, PM 11/1; HA, JAZ, JP, VOI, VOP 11/1 in WNC 11/3; CSM, MM, NYT, PRCS, WP, WT 11/2; VOP 11/2 in WNC 11/4; PR 11/3; PCHR, WJW 11/4; MEI 11/5; JPI 11/12)

During the day, the IDF fires on the funeral procession for the Abu Mustafa brothers killed late on 10/23, wounding a 15- yr.-old Palestinian; conducts arrest raids, house searches in Anata, Askar r.c., al-Bureij, Hebron, Yatta. Late in the evening, the IDF launches a massive raid on Khan Yunis, citing some 30 mortar attacks on nearby Jewish settlements since the 10/21 Gul assassination; fires missiles fr. pilotless drones at 2 groups of Palestinians, killing 2 PA policemen, wounding 6; conducts several air strikes, killing 5 armed Palestinians and 1 unarmed Palestinian, wounding 5 armed Palestinians and 4 bystanders; demolishes 3 Palestinian homes. A car bomb explodes nr. an IDF jeep in Nablus, causing damage but no injuries; no group claims responsibility. Jewish settlers in Hebron vandalize a Palestinian elementary school nr. the Ibrahimi Mosque/Tomb of the Patriarchs. (VOI, VOP 10/24, 10/25 in WNC 10/26; NYT, PRCS, WP 10/25; PCHR 10/28)

A female AMB suicide bomber fr. Askar r.c. detonates a device in East Jerusalem’s French Hill settlement when 2 Israeli border policemen ask to search her bag; the bomber, 2 Israeli police officers are killed, 16 Jewish settlers are lightly injured. The IDF demolishes the homes of the bomber’s family, the person who recruited her. The IDF also demolishes 10 Palestinian homes in Khan Yunis, shells residential areas, wounding 17, before ending the operation it began there on 9/21; demolishes 2 Palestinian homes, bulldozes 81 d. in al-Mughraqa; demolishes 3 Palestinian homes in Nablus. The 9-yr.-old Palestinian girl wounded inside an UNRWA school on 9/7 dies. (HA 9/22; VOI, VOP 9/22 in WNC 9/24; MEZ, MM, NYT, PCHR, PRCS, WP, WT 9/23; al-Quds 9/23 in WNC 9/25; MM, NYT, WP 9/24; PR 9/29; PCHR 9/30)

The IDF enters, fires on residential areas of Askar r.c., Balata r.c., Nablus. Palestinians fire a mortar at Gush Katif, damaging 1 house. While Palestinians across the territories observe a day of solidarity with hungerstriking Palestinian prisoners by fasting, staging sit-ins, and demonstrating, some 800 Palestinian prisoners at Israel’s Ashkelon prison, 350 administrative detainees in Shiqma prison temporarily suspend their strike after Israeli officials agree to halt strip searches, allow some physical contact during family visits. (HA, MM 8/27; VOP 8/27, HA 8/28 in WNC 8/31; PCHR 9/2)

The IDF demolishes 5 Palestinian homes, bulldozes 45 d. in al-Mughraqa nr. Gaza City; blows up 1 Palestinian home nr. Nablus; fires tear gas at Palestinians waiting to cross the al-Mawasi checkpoint; conducts arrest raids, house searches in Abu Dis, Askar r.c., Bayt Laqia nr. Ramallah, Bayt Jala and neighboring Bethlehem, al-Fara’ r.c., Ramallah, Tubas nr. Jenin, Yatta nr. Hebron. The IDF also captures 6 Egyptian students armed with a toy gun, knives, binoculars, radios in the Negev, 6 mi inside Israel. Unidentified gunmen fire on the car of PA General Intelligence Service dep. chief Tariq Abu Rajab as he drives along the coastal road in Gaza, seriously wounding him, killing 2 bodyguards, wounding 2 others; no group claims responsibility. (BBC, HA, PR 8/25; NYT, PCHR, WP, WT 8/26; AYM 8/26 in WNC 8/31; JAZ 8/30 in WNC 9/1; QA 8/31 in WNC 9/3; PR 9/1; PCHR 9/2; PR 9/15; MA 9/15 in WNC 9/21)

The IDF sends troops into Bethlehem, seals and searches a hospital for 3 hrs., detains 2 Palestinians (apparently not patients). The IDF also stages a major incursion into Askar r.c., rounding up more than 300 Palestinian men for questioning at an UNRWA school (the UN protests); fatally shoots a Palestinian farmer, wounds a 2d in al-Qarara; demolishes 1 Palestinian home, searches 3 in al-Qarara; fires on residential areas of Rafah (breaking windows in a hospital). Palestinians across the West Bank, Gaza observe a general strike in solidarity with hunger striking Palestinian prisoners; 80 child prisoners join the strike. (AP, JTA, XIN 8/24; VOP 8/24 in WNC 8/26; WT 8/25; PCHR 8/26)

In Rafat, the IDF opens fire on several Palestinians removing belongings fr. a home that the IDF earlier warned would be demolished, seriously wounding 1 Palestinian, firing on an ambulance that attempts to reach him, allowing him to bleed to death. The IDF fires on residential areas of Khan Yunis; demolishes a Palestinian home in alQarara; conducts arrest raids, house searches in Araqa and Qabatya villages nr. Jenin, Askar r.c. nr. Nablus, Balata r.c., Surif nr. Hebron, Tulkarm. Israel announces plans for another 533 new housing units in the Adam, Emmanuel, Har Adar, Har Gilo settlements in the West Bank. The PA announces that security forces have recently arrested 6 suspected collaborators in Gaza. ( JP, MM 8/23; DS, NYT, WP, WT 8/24; VOP 8/24 in WNC 8/26; PR 8/25; PCHR 8/26)

The Palestinian Resistance Comms. (PRCs) fire a new Nasser 3 rocket, with a longer range than the Qassam 2, at Sederot, causing minor damage to a wall, garden shed; also fire 2 mortars at Gaza’s Kefar Darom settlement, causing no damage or injuries. The IDF fires missiles at 2 metal workshops (suspected Hamas weapons factories) in Gaza City, destroying the buildings but causing no injuries. The IDF also bulldozes 77 dunams of agricultural land in Bayt Hanun, 37 dunams nr. Khan Yunis; demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in al-Qarara, 1 in Rafah; fires on residential areas of, conducts arrest raids in Askar r.c., then fires on stone-throwing Palestinians who confront the troops, wounding 4; raids residential areas nr. Dayr al-Balah, firing on homes, arresting several Palestinians, occupying and partially demolishing 1 house, destroying a fence and gas pipelines to a fuel station; conducts arrest raids in Hebron, Jenin, nr. Nablus. (HA, MA, MM, REU 6/18; VOI, VOP 6/18, VOI 6/19 in WNC 6/22; WP 6/20; PCHR 6/24)

The IDF fires on residential areas of Rafah, wounding a 9-mo.-old baby; razes a Palestinian home, 65 dunams of agricultural land in al-Qarara; bulldozes 1.5 dunams of citrus trees, a telephone network in Dayr al-Balah; fires tear gas, live ammunition at Palestinian, Israeli, international peace activists protesting against the separation wall nr. Qalqilya, injuring a Palestinian cameraman working for Agence France-Presse and a South African protester, arresting an American; conducts arrest raids, house searches in Askar r.c., Bethlehem, Husan, Jenin town and r.c., al-Mughraqa, Qalqilya, Ramallah, Yatta. The IDF also begins removing 40 earthen mounds, gates blocking Palestinian roads in the West Bank, easing Palestinian movement slightly; flying roadblocks, checkpoints at the entrances to towns and villages—the main barriers to Palestinians’ free movement—will remain. (XIN 6/13; PCHR 6/17)

IDF expands operations in Rafah to Brazil r.c. and al-Salam neighborhood. IDF helicopters fire 4 missiles at some 3,000 Palestinians, mostly school children, staging a peaceful march fr. neighboring Shabura to Rafah’s Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in protest against the incursion, killing at least 8 Palestinians, wounding more than 60; Israel apologizes for the deaths, saying “warning shots” went astray, but says Operation Rainbow will continue. Also in Rafah, the IDF fires a missile at 5 Palestinian gunmen, killing them all; fatally shoots a 13-yr.-old Palestinian boy who leaves his home under curfew to get water for his family; continues house-tohouse searches; orders all Palestinian males between ages 16 and 50 to gather in a local school, transfers them to bases at nearby Jewish settlements for interrogation, releases most by sunset; demolishes at least 5 Palestinian homes. In the West Bank, the IDF shells an apartment building in Askar r.c. nr. Nablus, claiming that wanted Palestinians were hiding inside but finding none. (HA, MM, YA 5/19; HA, MM, NYT, PCHR, REU, WP, WT 5/20; HJ, Interfax, XIN 5/20 in WNC 5/22; CSM, MM, NYT 5/21; WP 5/25; PR 5/26; PCHR 5/27)

The IDF conducts arrest raids in Askar r.c., Balata r.c; blows up 2 Palestinian homes in Rafah, 1 nr. Dayr al-Balah; demolishes 2 Palestinian homes, bulldozes 40 dunams of land in al-Qarara. (MM 5/10; PCHR 5/13)

The IDF reinforces roadblocks in East Jerusalem; demolishes the Palestinian home in Rafah that American ISM activist Rachel Corrie died defending on 3/16/03; fires on residential areas of, bulldozes some land in Rafah; fires on, wounds a Palestinian construction worker at the same UNRWA school site where a worker was wounded on 3/23; conducts arrest raids in Askar r.c., Husan, Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah. Jewish settlers fr. Harsina nr. Hebron uproot a stand of 300 grapevines owned by nearby Palestinians. (VOP 3/30 in WNC 4/1; PCHR 4/1)

IDF undercover units traveling in cars with Palestinian license plates raid Askar r.c., arrest 4 Palestinians. The IDF also begins (without forewarning) requiring special licenses for trucks crossing through al-Hamra checkpoint in the n. Jordan Valley, Tayasir checkpoint outside Jenin; fires on residential areas in Rafah, nr. Tulkarm; conducts arrest raids, house searches nr. Bethlehem, Hebron; orders the confiscation of 220 dunams of Dayr al-Balah land that the IDF has already bulldozed; begins construction of a new settler bypass road nr. Tulkarm. Palestinians fire 2 antitank rockets at an IDF convoy in Rafah, wounding 2 soldiers; fire 2 Qassam rockets, 1 causing heavy damage to a greenhouse in a Gaza settlement, 1 landing outside Sederot, causing no damage or injuries. (HA 2/8; PCHR 2/12)

The IDF sends troops into Rafah to search for smugglers’ tunnels, completely demolishes 22 Palestinian homes, a mosque along the Rafah border with Egypt, heavily damages another 16 homes, leaving 400 Palestinians homeless; raids 2 Palestinian charities in Ramallah, confiscating computers, files; fires stun grenades, tear gas into a high school in Nablus; fires on residential areas of Rafah, wounding 3. The IDF also expels a West Bank Palestinian administrative detainee to Gaza; conducts arrest raids, house searches in and around Askar r.c., Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus, Salfit, Ramallah; bulldozes 5 dunams of land in Bayt Lahia, 2 dunams nr. Kefar Darom; arrests 4 herders nr. Bayt Hanun. IDF soldiers scuffle with Jewish settlers who protest the removal of a synagogue built by supporters of deceased right-wing Rabbi Meir Kahane, the only permanent structure at the unauthorized settlement outpost of West Tapuach; soldiers do not attempt to remove trailer homes at the site. Palestinians fire 3 mortars at a Jewish settlement in Gaza, causing no damage or injuries. (AP, HA, MM, PCHR, PRCS 1/20; NYT, PR, WP 1/21; LAW, MM, PCHR 1/22; JPI 1/30)

Israel retaliates for Hizballah’s 1/19 shelling of an IDF bulldozer inside s. Lebanon by sending warplanes to strike Hizballah targets in s. Lebanon. In Washington, U.S. Secy. of State Colin Powell accuses Hizballah of deliberately taking action to escalate hostilities with Israel. (HA 1/20; LBC, MNR 1/20 in WNC 1/22; NYT, PR, WP, WT 1/21; WJW 1/22; MNR 1/22 in WNC 1/24)

Israel reopens the Erez crossing, allowing 3,600 Palestinian laborers to reach their jobs in the Erez industrial zone and Israel. The IDF raids a mosque in Hebron, detaining worshippers for 2 hrs.; erects new temporary checkpoints around Tulkarm; closes entrances to Salfit; conducts arrest raids, completely demolishes 1 Palestinian home in Yatta, partially demolishes 3 in Rafah; conducts arrest raids, house searches in Anabta, Askar r.c., Dayr al-Balah, Nablus. (WT 1/19; PCHR 1/20; LAW, PCHR 1/22)

The IDF pulls out of Jenin after 3 days of operations that caused extensive damage to the electricity, sewer, and water systems and to an elementary school; several cars were blown up, a home demolished, at least 15 Palestinians arrested during the raids; the curfew is lifted, but the town remains sealed. The IDF also demolishes a Palestinian home in Rafah; fires on residential areas of Rafah, seriously wounding 1 Palestinian woman inside her home; fires on stone-throwing Palestinians outside Askar r.c., Balata r.c., wounding 4. In Tulkarm, 2 AMB mbrs. are apparently killed in an intra-AMB dispute over the Tulkarm leadership, possibly involving a split btwn. AMB mbrs. in Tulkarm town and Tulkarm r.c. (JP, VOI 9/21 in WNC 9/23; PR 9/24; PCHR 9/25)

The IDF demolishes the Askar r.c. home of 1 of the 8/12 suicide bombers; demolishes another 6 Palestinian homes in al-Walaja; conducts late-night arrest raids in Nablus, Qalqilya. The IDF also arrests 3 Jewish settlers fr. Hebron on charges of committing “security crimes”; an Israeli judge places a gag order on the case. A package bomb, possibly placed by Islamic Jihad, explodes outside the PSF office in Shati r.c., causing damage but no injuries. (MENA 8/13 in WNC 8/15; HA, NYT, WP 8/14; HA 8/15)

IDF troops raid Askar r.c., accompanied by 4 armored personnel carriers, 14 military jeeps, 2 armored bulldozers, and 2 helicopters; surround the apartment building where wanted Hamas mbrs. Hamis Abu Salam, Fayiz al-Sadar live, sparking a fire fight that leaves at least 1 of the Palestinians, 1 IDF soldier dead; shell the 4-story building by helicopter, destroying it; the body of the 2d Palestinian is found in the rubble. The attack, which Hamas considers an assassination, sparks demonstrations in Askar; the IDF fires live ammunition, rubber bullets, tear gas at the crowds, killing 1 Palestinian, wounding 6; a Palestinian, overcome by teargas, dies at a hospital. Nr. Jenin, 3 Palestinian gunmen fire on an IDF outpost, are wounded and arrested. Israel indicts 2 Jewish settlers, arrested on 7/17, on charges of transporting explosives, membership in a “Jewish terror cell.” (AFP, BBC, HA, MM 8/8; VOI, XIN 8/8, MENA, al-Quds 8/10 in WNC 8/12; NYT, WP, WT 8/9; AYM 8/10 in WNC 8/14; PCHR 8/14)

Hizballah, retaliating for the 8/2 car bombing, fires mortars, antitank rockets at an IDF post in the disputed Shaba‘ Farms area of the Golan. Israel responds by shelling Hizballah positions by plane, artillery. No injuries are reported in the exchange. (BBC, HA, MM 8/8; NYT, WP, WT 8/9; Islamic Republic News Agency 8/10 in WNC 8/12)

The IDF fires on a Palestinian cell phone company car in Dayr al-Balah, wounding 2 company workers; demolishes 3 Palestinian homes nr. Rafah (also bulldozing 5 dunams of land), 1 in Jenin, 1 nr. Khan Yunis (also bulldozing 3 dunams of land), 1 nr. Nablus; bulldozes a Palestinian gas station in Silwan; conducts arrest raids in Askar r.c., Bayt Lahia, Bethlehem, Hebron; searches homes in Jenin, Qalqilya, Ramallah (including ransacking the home of a Palestinian-American family); fires on residential areas of Bayt Lahia; tightens the closure on Tulkarm. In Hebron, 6 IDF soldiers reportedly severely beat a Palestinian teenager, kicking him, hitting him with their rifle butts. Palestinians fire a Qassam rocket at Native Haasara moshav inside Israel, causing damage but no injuries. A Palestinian dies of injuries received in the 6/10 attempted assassination of Rantisi, bringing that toll to 4. A Tel Aviv court sentences a 17-yr.-old Israeli Arab to 2 yrs. in jail for planning to carry out a suicide bombing; the court says the sentence is light because the boy turned himself in to authorities. (HA, HP 6/18; MENA 6/18 in WNC 6/20; LAW, PCHR, WT 6/19; PCHR 6/26)

The IDF fires on stone-throwing Palestinians in Askar r.c., Balata r.c.; demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in Rafah, 1 in Issawiyya; bulldozes 26 dunams of land in Rafah; conducts arrest raids in Dahaysha r.c., Nablus, Qabatiyya, Qalqilya, Tulkarm; searches homes in Dayr al-Balah, occupying 1 as an IDF post; conducts arrest raids in Hebron, Ramallah. Palestinians reportedly fire an antitank missile at an IDF post in Gaza, injuring 1 soldier, a civilian worker; fire 3 mortars at Gush Katif, causing no damage or injuries. IDF F-16s break the sound barrier over the Gaza Strip throughout the day. Late in the evening, at least 1 Palestinian gunman fires on an Israeli vehicle just inside the Israeli border nr. Qalqilya, killing a 7-yr.-old Israeli girl, wounding 3; the AMB, PFLP-GC each claim responsibility. Israeli police detain Mufti of Jerusalem Ikrima Sabri for questioning as part of the investigation into whether the Islamic Movement laundered money for Hamas. The IDF says it has drawn up a list of another 19 unauthorized outposts to be dismantled; of the original list, 10 uninhabited outposts have been removed, while 5 inhabited ones are slated for removal in the next few days. (AFP, AP, HA, HP 6/17; VOI, YA 6/17 in WNC 6/19; HA, MM, NYT, PR, WP, WT 6/18; HA, LAW, NYT, PCHR 6/19; JPI 6/27)

The IDF opens fire on stone-throwing youths in Askar r.c., killing 1 Palestinian; bars a Palestinian heart attack victim fr. crossing a checkpoint to reach a hospital, allowing him to die; places a curfew on villages northwest of Nablus, patrols streets, firing in the air; fires on stone-throwing youths in Askar r.c., injuring 2; fires on residential areas of Hebron, Tulkarm; fires at Palestinians at a roadblock outside Dayr al-Balah for no apparent reason, causing no injuries; demolishes 7 Palestinian homes and 11 greenhouses, bulldozes 57 dunams of land in Rafah; demolishes 3 Palestinian homes, a bird farm, and 3 greenhouses, bulldozes 52 dunams of land in Khan Yunis; conducts arrest raids outside Ramallah. (HA 6/14; VOI 6/14 in WNC 6/17; PM, WP 6/15; HP 6/16; LAW, PCHR 6/19)

Israeli DMin. security negotiations coordinator Amos Gilad, PA Security Affairs M Muhammad Dahlan meet in Ramallah to discuss Israel’s proposal to turn over security control for n. Gaza to the PA. (NYT, WP 6/15; JP 6/15 in WNC 6/17; NYT 6/16; PR 6/18)

The AMB, Hamas, Islamic Jihad take joint responsibility for an attack on Erez Crossing in which 3 Palestinian gunmen dressed in IDF uniforms open fire, killing 4 IDF soldiers, wounding another 4 before being shot dead. In 2 attacks in Hebron, 2 Palestinian gunmen fatally shoot an IDF soldier, wound another before being shot dead; no group claims responsibility for that attack. Meanwhile, the IDF fires on a car outside Yamun, wounding 2 Palestinians. Late in the evening, the IDF raids, imposes curfew on Balata r.c.; bulldozes Palestinian land around Askar r.c. (MENA 6/8 in WNC 6/10; MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/9; QA, SFR 6/9 in WNC 6/11; NYT 6/10; JP 6/11 in WNC 6/13; LAW, PCHR 6/12)

The IDF sends troops, bulldozers back into Bayt Hanun, digging trenches across several main roads; opens fire on stone-throwing youths in Qarawat Bani Zaid, killing 2 Palestinians; imposes a curfew on Bayt Furik, raids a mosque, confiscating computers; demolishes 1 Palestinian home in Dayr al-Balah, 1 in Nablus; conducts arrest raids in Askar r.c., Hebron, Jenin, Tubas. Israel also demolishes 2 bedouin homes in the unrecognized village of Wadi al-Na‘im. (HA, HP 5/21; HA, LAW, NYT, PCHR, WT 5/22; MEI 5/30)

In Washington, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Asst. Secy. of State for Near East Affairs William Burns hold separate mtgs. with Sharon chief of staff Dov Weisglass, PA Finance M Salam al-Fayyad to try to reach an agmt. on actions to reduce tensions and start talks. (HA, NYT 5/22; al-Quds 5/23 in WNC 5/27; HA 5/24)

The IDF opens fire on a crowd of stone-throwing Palestinians in Askar r.c., killing 1 Palestinian child; harasses Palestinian fishermen fishing in a permitted zone off the Gaza coast. (NYT, WP 3/30; PCHR 4/3)

In Gaza, 2 Palestinian children (ages 12, 14) armed with knives infiltrate Netzarim settlement, are shot at and wounded by a settler rabbi, captured by IDF troops. The IDF erects a new checkpoint at the e. entrance to Askar r.c.; fires on Palestinians who throw stones at the new crossing, killing 1 Palestinian, wounding 9. The IDF also fires tear gas at Palestinians crossing the Anata + n. Jerusalem checkpoint, causing 1 pregnant Palestinian woman to miscarry; conducts arrest raids in Hebron (targeting Hamas), Ramallah (targeting the PFLP). An Islamic Jihad mbr. is killed apparently when a grenade he is carrying explodes. The body of a missing Palestinian is found nr. Nablus; the IDF says he was apparently killed by IDF gunfire on 1/1. Late in the evening, the IDF sends 50 tanks, bulldozers into Khan Yunis; demolishing around 30 workshops, stores, offices, a clinic; clashes with Hamas mbrs., fatally shooting 1 Palestinians, wounding 13; bulldozes 9 dunams of land; conducts arrest sweeps, house searches. The IDF also raids Bayt Hanun, demolishing a Palestinian home, killing 1 Palestinian in the process. (HA 1/11; VOI 1/11 in WNC 1/13; HA, WT 1/12; HA, NYT, WP 1/13; LAW, PCHR, PR 1/15)

Retaliating for the assassination of Islamic Jihad’s Abu Rub on 12/26, 2 Islamic Jihad gunmen infiltrate Otniel settlement nr. Hebron, fatally shooting 2 Jewish settlers, 2 IDF soldiers, wounding 9 (mostly soldiers), before being shot dead by the IDF; the IDF imposes a curfew on Hebron, surrounding area; angry Jewish settlers rampage through Palestinian areas of Hebron, attacking cars, houses. The IDF arrests an Israeli Jewish truck driver at Qarni checkpoint, attempting to smuggle weapons, ammunition into Gaza; fires on residential areas of Khan Yunis, setting fire to a farm, killing several sheep, chickens; conducts arrest raids in Askar r.c., Tubas. An IDF gunboat opens fire on Palestinian fishing vessels off the Gaza coast, severely damaging 3 boats. Up to 40,000 Hamas supporters attend a Hamas rally in Gaza City, marking the 15th anniversary of the movement. (HA 12/27; HA, NYT, WP, WT 12/28; HA 12/30; LAW, PCHR 1/1)

Before dawn, IDF helicopters fire 5 missiles at a school in Khan Yunis, extensively damaging it; fatally shoots a Palestinian drummer going alley-to-alley in Askar r.c. nr. Nablus despite the curfew to declare the start of the day’s Ramadan fast (Ramadan began on 11/6), bars an ambulance fr. reaching him, allowing him to bleed to death. During the day, the IDF fatally shoots 1 Palestinian driving in Bethlehem; holds a Palestinian woman in labor at a Bethlehem checkpoint for 2 hrs., causing her baby to die; conducts arrest raids in Balata r.c., Nablus; raids an emergency clinic in Hebron, vandalizing patient files. A PFLP suicide bomber detonates a car bomb nr. an IDF post in Gaza, killing himself but causing no other injuries. Palestinians fire 5 mortars at Gush Katif settlement, causing no damage or injuries. (LAW, PCHR, PM, UPMRC, WT 11/27; HA, WP 11/28)

Israel’s Interior M Eli Yishai announces his decision to strip Israeli Arab Qays Obeid, now residing in Lebanon, of his Israeli citizenship for allegedly spying for Hizballah, marking the 2d time Yishai has stripped an Israeli Arab of his citizenship. (HA 11/27)