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  • April 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Spain's first ambassador to Israel, Pedro Lopez Aguirre de Goa, arrives to take up his post [JP 4/7]. Twenty black union leaders from...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Spain's first ambassador to Israel, Pedro Lopez Aguirre de Goa, arrives to take up his post [JP 4/7]. Twenty black union leaders from South Africa are attending a course at the Histradrut's Afro-Asian Institute in Tel Aviv [JP 4/6]. They are receiving training in social organizing and economic leadership skills, in preparation for power sharing in the event of a transition from white rule [WP, LAT 4/8].

Arab World: Syrian-sponsored cease-fire takes effect around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, ending 10 days of fighting between Amal and Palestinian fighters; at least 46 have been killed [BG 4/7].

Other Countries: West Germany's defense minister arrives in Israel for 4-day visit [JP 4/7]. American Israel Public Affairs Committee begins 27th Annual Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. [JTA 4/8].