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  • April 6, 1997

    In Minnesota, PM Netanyahu, King Hussein discuss ways of restarting Israeli-PA talks, especially Netanyahu's proposal for a Camp-David-style summit (see 4/1). (CSM, NYT, WP 4/7; RJ 4/7 in WNC 4/8...

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In Minnesota, PM Netanyahu, King Hussein discuss ways of restarting Israeli-PA talks, especially Netanyahu's proposal for a Camp-David-style summit (see 4/1). (CSM, NYT, WP 4/7; RJ 4/7 in WNC 4/8; JTV 4/8 in WNC 4/9)

Netanyahu withdraws fr. a scheduled appearance before the Reform Jewish movement, the largest Jewish denomination in the U.S. Reform leaders regard the decision as a "deliberate affront." (WT 4/7) (see 4/1)

PA Higher Education M Ashrawi arrives in Washington to meet with Secy. of State Albright, U.S. special envoy Ross. (WP 4/7; MM 4/9)

The American Israel Public Affairs Comm. (AIPAC) annual 3-day conference opens in Washington. U.S. VP Al Gore, Amb. to the UN Richardson address the group. Gore praises "my friend Bibi" for his "passionate" devotion to Israeli security. (MM, WP 4/7; WP 4/8)

Nr. Tel Aviv, an explosion destroys a warehouse at a factory where Israel makes parts for the U.S.-funded Arrow antimissile missile. Israel says the explosion was accidental. (WT 4/7)