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  • November 29, 1994

    2-day mtg. of donor countries begins in Brussels. World Bank grants PA $58 m., tells Arafat only $240 m. of $700 m. promised by donors is likely to arrive this yr.; cites donors' desire to finance...

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  • November 25, 1994

    Rabin aide says Rabin is willing to consider 3-day IDF withdrawal fr. West Bank so Palestinian elections may be held. (IDF Radio 11/25 in FBIS 11/25; MM 11/28)

    10 Palestinians killed, 25...

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  • April 5, 1994

    23 Palestinians expelled by Israel for resistance activities return to Gaza Strip fr. Egypt via Rafah crossing, 27 others to West Bank at Allenby Bridge. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6)

    9 Palestinians...

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  • April 4, 1994

    IDF begins evacuation of HQ in Jericho, Gaza Strip as withdrawal starts. Troops in Gaza redeploy to guard Gush Qatif bloc of settlements. 2 Palestinians wounded by IDF while stoning departing...

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2-day mtg. of donor countries begins in Brussels. World Bank grants PA $58 m., tells Arafat only $240 m. of $700 m. promised by donors is likely to arrive this yr.; cites donors' desire to finance prestige projects, not day-to-day needs, delays in implementing autonomy, lack of guarantees fr. Arafat. Donors ask Israel to ease restrictions on Palestinian workers. (MM 11/29; La Une Radio, Brussels 11/29, QY 11/30, VOP 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; WT 11/30; NYT, WP 12/1; Le Soir 12/1 in FBIS 12/2; PR 12/4)

PM Rabin tours Tomb of the Patriarchs. Says he will ask for Palestinian elections without Israeli withdrawal fr. West Bank towns during upcoming talks in Cairo; seeks to separate Israelis fr. Palestinians but will not remove settlements now; wants to create jobs in West Bank to keep Palestinian workers out of Israel. (WT 11/30; NYT 12/5)

Islamic Conference Organization (ICO) issues statement expressing solidarity with Palestinians, supporting peace process. (SPA, Riyad 11/29 in FBIS 11/29)

Israeli FM Dir. Gen. Uri Savir says Israel will no longer block imports of materials to, impede economic development in Gaza. (NYT 12/1)

Rabin aide says Rabin is willing to consider 3-day IDF withdrawal fr. West Bank so Palestinian elections may be held. (IDF Radio 11/25 in FBIS 11/25; MM 11/28)

10 Palestinians killed, 25 injured in clashes btwn. pro-, anti-Arafat groups in `Ayn Hilwa r.c. in Lebanon. (MM 11/25; AFP, MENA, VOL 11/25 in FBIS 11/25; RL, VOL 11/25 in FBIS 11/28; RL 11/26 in FBIS 11/29; NYT, WT 11/26; JP 12/3; MEI 12/16; NYT 12/20)

23 Palestinians expelled by Israel for resistance activities return to Gaza Strip fr. Egypt via Rafah crossing, 27 others to West Bank at Allenby Bridge. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6)

9 Palestinians wounded by IDF in clashes as Israelis continue evacuation of Jericho, Gaza IDF HQs. 3 of the wounded are in Jericho. (WT 4/6)

Danish, Italian, and Norwegian officials go to Israel from Cairo to discuss role of Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) contingents. (MM 4/5)

Pres. al-Asad holds 3d mtg. with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, returns to Syria. (MM 4/5)

IDF begins evacuation of HQ in Jericho, Gaza Strip as withdrawal starts. Troops in Gaza redeploy to guard Gush Qatif bloc of settlements. 2 Palestinians wounded by IDF while stoning departing troops. (CSM, WT 4/5)

Bank of Jordan opens 1st West Bank branch, in Ramallah. (MM 4/5)

Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad flies to Cairo, meets twice with Pres. Husni Mubarak. (MM 4/5)

Israeli police ballistics expert testifies to Israeli commission of inquiry, says police have identified all but 1 of 115 shell casings recovered at Haram al-Ibrahimi in Hebron. 109 shells traced to attacker Baruch Goldstein's weapon, 5 to those of IDF guards. (NYT, WT 4/5)